agreed, if bethesda just half ass' it than they might as well just leave it out.
That could be said about every single aspect of the game. Certainly noone wants the lichdom to be half-baked nonsense with huge bugs as vampirism was in Oblivion.
Well than lets all pray that tes 5 isnt one giant half-ass phailure.

Yeah, let us hope! and moreover, we could hope that every single aspect of the game will be well thought through and prepared with care. Well, one can always dream, right?
I likey! Make them major plot points one way or another, with the option of joining their ranks. Aren't a lot of the undead supposed to be mortals who, in death, are being punished for their sins? (eg: wraiths)
With some maybe, but being a lich definitely is not a punishment. It is a decision. A living mage transforms him/her self into a lich willingly. Therefore he/she retainshis skills, memories and ability to think, unlike other undead, who are either brought to unlife by the will of others as minless slaves or as a punishment by divinities.
Also for the sake of those who are not interrested in liches, I would not make tem too much of a part of the main plot, although it depends on what the main plot is like. I guess this speculation is very ... well ... speculative with the lack of information we have.