I hate stuff like this. Reminds me too much of that August 8, 8:00 post awhile back, which revealed nothing and diverted into talk about the Olympics, as it should have

You mean the one by the guy who thought he was an Ayleid? Heh.
Yeah, between that guy, this guy, and AE SITHIS, I'm getting annoyed and bored of the particular brand of lorester who thinks it's cool to try and ape cryptic MKspeak for no rhyme or reason other than to look cool. It's not even an attempt at Monkey Truth.
or, in language the OP can understand:
SHOR-WHO-IS-LKHAN-IN-PAJAMAS has shown me the light of his truth and it is buried in that place to which your eyes eternally gaze -- that is, your own anus, which AKOSH did rend unto cinders with his mighty spaceship which pounded into you until you [NUMINIT]