Welcome to the game of? LIFE OR DEATH!!!
My name is Peter Lucas and I will be with you in 18 episodes of the game Life or Death.
The rules are simple:
Our 18 competitors will fight in one fight each. Each fighter will fight until death. He will be resurrected after that. After all of them will complete the task, I will anounnce the winner.
And, the awards are:
-Tenpenny Tower Suite
-life spared
The other 17 fighters will be killed. Hey, they signed in, it's their fault!
The winner is the one, that gets the most points.
Also, every fighter may carry one pistol, one melee weapon, one bigger gun, three grenades and one set of armor. If anyone doesn't do what the rules say, his head will explode, as they are all wearing a slave collar.
1 kill - 1 point
100 points ? 10 stimpaks or 100 bullets for any weapon
Killing a boss gives the killer 5 point.
Killing a Behemoth gives the killer 10 points.
So, let the game? BEGIN!
Our first fighter is Dean. Let's see his profile
Role: Mechanic
Starting location: RobCo Facility
Equipment: Lead pipe, RobCo Jumpsuit, Dirty Water (2)
He's off! It looks like he is going IN the RobCo Facility! He is in, and look, it's a mole rat in front of him. He made his first kill! He hits a nearby radroach. That's two down. A mole rat attacks him from behind and is killed in seconds. Another radroach is smashed. Where did they find this guy? He jumps on the platform, and? Kills another roach! Behind the corner, a mole rat. Great job, Dean! He picked some energy cells from a protectron, that's good. Oh, he found another radroach! He made 8 kills! He made it to the ammo box, too! And a DOUBLE KILL. Two radroaches killed with a single hit. And it looks like, he is going out of the building. What will he attack now? He aims at te Tinker Joe and? he nailed him! So, robots are next? Looks like he is going with Tinker Joe's Laser Pistol. ? Ok, he destroyed them but, is badly wounded. He heals? and uses up all his stimpaks! He goes South, enters the grocery store. Kills three radroaches. OH NO!!! THat was a begginer's mistake. He shot at the fire extinquisher! Good, he healed with his last supplies. He goes out? kills an eyebot, and a waterbeggar! Looks like he found a 44. magnum, but has no ammo. Ge walks southeast, to the trainyard. Ouch, he got attacked by a bloatfly. But, it dies off quickly. He's out of ammo, runs to get some ammo from a little office opposite the train?
Hmmmm, I've got reports, that he didn't drop the 44. magnum. Well, disobeying the rules isn't a good idea.
This was Peter Lucas with you, have a great day, and see you next time. Goodbye.
NEXT TIME ON LIFE OR DEATH: Sarah Jane, a Vault Dweller... And, she nailed the brahmin... boom... I just, I just wasn't ready...
You'll see more... next time...
Jedi Marko Production, 2009