If you're carrying a giant sword...you're not playing as a mage.
If you're wearing Ebony Armor...you're not playing as a mage.
If you're picking locks...you're not playing as a mage.
If you take ANY perks outside of the blue area of the sky leveling menu...you get the idea.
hehe, agreed. I respect fellow mages staying with the core, that is no armor above cloth, no weapons aside from staffs, etc etc etc.
It's funny to read "other" mages supposedly playing on Master difficulty state it's easy for them when they are Pulling with Fireballs to soften the enemy up, tanking the enemy in Heavy Plate when they get close and finishing it off with a 2h axe, sorry but that is not a mage, you are just a jack of all trades toon, and that's okay but stop calling yourself a mage, hah
To the OP, if you want to play as a pure mage, you need to buff yourself up with Oak Flesh or anything that increases Armor. I do realize it's not the easiest thing to do since there is no visible Buff timer on your main UI and the fact the buffs only last 60 seconds so it becomes a chore more than anything.