Life in Megaton

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:00 pm

This RP is inspired by Holy Assassin's RP Megaton 2300. Unlike most role-plays Life in Megaton does not revolve around a conflict, instead it revolves around the every day life of the citizens of Megaton. This RP is all about character development and every day life, despite this there will still be conflict, and a whole lot of violence. The town still has to worry about Super Mutants, Raiders and even Slavers. There is also gangs in Megaton now because of how large it has gotten, you can join one of these gangs or work to get rid of them, or just stay out of the situation.

Life in Megaton

Life in Megaton is hard at times, but it sure beats living out in the wasteland. Megaton has been doing tremendously well ever since a Lone Wanderer came into town a few decades back and disarmed the bomb, it’s even grown to claim Springvale. If you are looking for something to do there is all sorts of things that need to be done around the town, you can help out some of the shopkeepers, do some bounty work for Harden, do some work for the caravanners, go box at the Fight Club or head to Moriarty’s and see what is up on the bulletin board. But, if you don't feel like doing anything you could always head to Moriarty's, order a beer and enjoy life.

Paladin Lewis

Bio: (Optional)


Stores/Venues In Megaton

- Moriarty’s Saloon (Colin has been keeping the place running for years, but he is old now, maybe it’s time for a change in management?)
- The Fight Club (The newest establishment in Megaton is owned by Kuckz, a crazy ex-Raider who loves to see people get hurt, if you want to make a few caps by bashing some skulls in this is your place)
- Craterside Supplies (Moira is one of the most loved and hated residents of Megaton, she supplies almost all the citizens with everything they need but her tendency to always be extremely happy seems to annoy some people.)
- Water Processing Plant (Walter Jr. has been taking care of the plant ever since his dad died, upstairs is the hub for the chem. trade in Megaton, though not illegal it is heavily frowned on)
- The Clinic (Now run by Doctor Theodore)
- Brass Lantern (The Stahl family’s restaurant/bar, not nearly as popular as Moriarty’s)

Store/Venues In Springvale

- The Caravanners Union (For five years now the Caravanners Union has controlled all the Capital Wastelands Caravans, this is all thanks to Joe, the leader of the Union)
- Guns and Bullets (Ever since Springvale was taken over by Megaton Bob has been supplying those who come by with guns and armour, you can work for him as a scavenger, repair person or a hired gun)

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Marlo Stanfield
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