particular concepts for the mod: Aging, Marriage, Death, Birth.
The whole point of this mod idea is to create a bit more realism to the game. Not only will it create a bit more realism, but it will also create a challenge for the players and Even the NPCs.
Aging: The idea for this is relatively easy to understand. This creating scripts and effects that cause a simulation of player's characters and NPCS to age during a certain amount of game play. One aspect would be having somewhere on the screen that shows the age of the player. Over a period of 10 to 15 or 20 years in-game, a script would activate for the player, changing the player's character to a slightly older-looking character. Each Race would have their own life-span accordingly. For the Imperials, Nords, and Redgaurds, the life-span would be roughly 95 years. For the bretons (as they are somewhat sustained by magic) the life span would be 120 years, roughly. The Khajiits would have a life-span of roughly 80 years. The argonians, roughly 200 years (this derives from the lore of Hist trees and their connection to them, how it would sustain their life-span longer then usual). Dark Elves, roughly 500 years. Wood elves, roughly 700 years. High-elves, roughly 1200 years. However there would be, in my idea, a quest that allows the player to gain, aging immunity (not immunity to disease or death, just aging).
Marriage: This idea, I think, has already been particularly covered. but, in the mod, It would be neat to include marriage. Where one may choose a partner, bare seed to, and well, create a family (it would be not advlt rating).
Death: This idea easily covers death from aging for the player. However, in my idea, it would be more interesting to integrate the idea of adding the death's of NPCs who have passed away from age, disease, or was murdered. This includes important people in-game as well. This would not only things more realistic but it would push the player to not dawdle for way to long, creating a challenge. (it would be nice to include diseases that could kill the player and NPCs).
Birth: This concept is relatively easy to explain. It's simply adding the idea of over a period of possible nine months of a spouse being pregnant, (or the player, if female). a baby is born. and with the aging idea, the baby will age as well.