OK, after trying a bunch of different console commands, I have discovered that I am stuck at stage ms12 110, and for some reason she won't accept that I do in fact have a madstone. I made sure of it because I added a second madstone, and a second version of a madstone (this one you can wear)
So, I set the quest: MS12 to stage 150. I assumed that my logbook would be inaccurate and the game wouldn't act as if I've completed the quest, but beside her display case magically appeared the correct quest items, my logbook updated, and I can now purchase a house in Bruma!
It's quite an annoying glitch, but this fix changes absolutely nothing in how you would normally progress. The only thing I missed out on was the comment she gives to the player for completing the quest, and the reward she gives to the player. I guess I'll need to use the console again to acquire whatever it is. The uesp was incredibly helpful, but it looks like I found a new bug.