» Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:09 am
If one has Dead Money, Light armor wins due to the Light Touch perk, except in VERY sticky close quarters situations where you take a lot of damage very quickly from multiple sources. When taking on Caesar, Brotherhood Paladins or a large pack of Nightstalkers, for example.
If one does NOT have Dead Money- and there are more such people out there than you realize- the difference is purely one of tactical preference. If you're a sniper type, go with light; if you like your fighting up close, go with heavy.
One benefit of heavy armor is the fact that more enemies now use explosive weapons (Grenade Rifles, missiles) and these weapons have been made more effective. Explosive weapons have a high chance of crippling limbs. Taking less damage means taking less damage to limbs, which can be pretty important for characters who took Small Frame.