Light Armor Discussion

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:32 am

To start off this thread, I'd like to say that this game has definitely been enjoyable so far. There are a few things that could use fixing/tweaking, but there are already multiple threads about those so I won't discuss those here. I'd also like to apologize in advance if there is already a thread concerning this, I couldn't find a good one to add my thoughts and opinions to via the search function.

Light Armor, currently, is probably the biggest let down thus far for me (especially being a player who loves stealth based/assassin-like classes). Not only does it just look like more versions of warrior-like armor that would be worn as a two-handed battle-ax wielding juggernaut, but there are very few types and version of it to begin with. The left side of the smithing tree, which is often referred to as the light armor side, is pointless to go spend perks into. Not only does it not have a wide variety (the right side has about 6 or 7 options), but you have to complete the right side as well to get Daedric Weapons. It is more frugal to spend your perks only in the right side of the tree and make do until you kill enough dragons to make dragonscale armor, which understandably looks more warrior-ish, but then again leaves out those of us who would love more stealth based armor in terms of looks.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Add more light-armor variants in the smithing tree: Even one or two more smithing perks, at least one of which that would be sitting on the 90 skill mark along with Daedric, that would open up options to craft assassin/thief-like armor would be great. This would include something along the lines of a cowl/face mask instead of an actual helmet, and armor that doesn't necessarily boast large and flamboyant shoulder pads and chest pieces. This would be the most preferable solution, in my opinion.

2. The option to learn how to make armor sets that are found/given: I.e. if I acquire a set of Nightingale armor, I can learn to craft similar looking armor, but in the process destroy the current set. This suggestion is far less favorable that number 1, but would nonetheless be an option.

3. The addition of clothing pieces to go over armor sets: This would include things like cloaks and capes, both hooded and unhooded (perhaps even an option to have your hood up or down). This is on my Skyrim-DLC Christmas list, but would only make sense if number 1 was implemented, in my opinion.

These are my thoughts on light-armor so far. Please feel free to give your opinions and suggestions as well!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:48 pm

I agree light armour looks to have been overlooked atm heavy far outclasses with the whole weigh nothing and ebony mail, muffle movement about why even go near a bit of leather...
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Add Meeh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:54 pm

I agree light armour looks to have been overlooked atm heavy far outclasses with the whole weigh nothing and ebony mail, muffle movement about why even go near a bit of leather...

this although nightingale armour is my favorite armor period...that said if you dont wanna do the thieves guild you ouldnt get it... kinda unfair to ake people choose :intergalactic:
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:22 am

If you took a look at the wiki, the Light Armour has a lot more variants of armour than Heavy. I do agree the weapon smithing is illogical and Leather is one of the best looking stealth based armour though the defence rate is rather low.

I am still pursuiting Elven/Glass with my Altmer mage really. Love the looks and low weight. At least, Light Armour perk tree > Heavy.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:43 am

There's zounds of magical clothing to wear, but I agree with you Light Armor being slightly scarce compared to Heavy Armor. Although I still think there is plenty lying around, in the previous TES games I recall there was a wider variety of Light Armor, right?
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:20 pm

Absolutely, there is plenty of light armor out there and unique magical pieces as well. I guess to clarify I should say that I'm focusing more on the crafting side of things, as well with the looks (i.e. there are only two sets of viable high end armor that have the thief/assassin look). I'd love to be able to craft my own set of high end armor that looks in-line with the thief/assassin play style. Even sneaking around in glass or elven armor is hard to get in to, and I won't even mention dragonscale.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:02 pm

Both Armor Classes are not represented well in the Smithing Perk Tree, so let's ignore that aspect.

As for the armor not looking like stealth. I would imagine you are thinking about something like the tactical armor that SWAT types wear. However, back in the day, there was no armor that looked like that. You either had Leather, Chain Mail or Metal. Chain being both heavy and light (even though it weighs a bunch). I am surprised we have as many options as we do in these games. So, it makes sense that we have what we have. However I would have like to have a Dark Brotherhood kind of armor available to us to use in the game. It looks like the tactical stuff they wear today, but it fits in the lore of the game.

Then again, one could argue that a Stealth Character does not need any armor if they were any good.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:00 pm

Not sure if you are console or PC but there is already a good mod out for PC to improve on this.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:29 am

Both Armor Classes are not represented well in the Smithing Perk Tree, so let's ignore that aspect.

As for the armor not looking like stealth. I would imagine you are thinking about something like the tactical armor that SWAT types wear. However, back in the day, there was no armor that looked like that. You either had Leather, Chain Mail or Metal. Chain being both heavy and light (even though it weighs a bunch). I am surprised we have as many options as we do in these games. So, it makes sense that we have what we have. However I would have like to have a Dark Brotherhood kind of armor available to us to use in the game. It looks like the tactical stuff they wear today, but it fits in the lore of the game.

Then again, one could argue that a Stealth Character does not need any armor if they were any good.

Absolutely, I agree with you 100%. If we were discussing a Medieval times game where armor types like glass, elven, dwemer, and creatures like Dragons, daedra, and trolls didn't exist either I wouldn't be posting this. In light of this game having a wide variety of fantasy elements to it, and armor types and materials that don't exist, I would hope for a high-skill crafted armor set that like you mentioned, looks Dark Brotherhood-esque.

And to your last point, I agree. Fighting those random dragon spawns, however, makes it semi-necesary.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:49 am

We could do with more light armour.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:59 pm

Not sure if you are console or PC but there is already a good mod out for PC to improve on this.

Console, 360 to be exact. Still saving up so I can build a new PC. Building a new PC isn't as economical as it used to be, although I'd love to be on one.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:30 pm

Unenchanted nightingale armor please!
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:17 am

Unenchanted nightingale armor please!

Unenchanted Nightingale & Dark Brotherhood armor, in my opinion! And the ability to craft similar sets.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:41 pm

Make the "Wind Runner" perk merely exclude heavy armor instead of require Full Light Armor. I'd get the perk if it didn't mean I have to give up my circlet!

All the Light Armor helmets look terrible. Way too much skirt to all but "Elven".

I like my "Skirmisher" light armor appearance over "Stealth" light armor appearance.

As it is, I wear Forsworn armor, because it looks cool.
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