it actually affected me (sorry,my female breton crusader

more,playing through it again (especially after revisiting the place,where the daedra machine was trying to attack bruma. she saw the dead bodies of her close friends (and blade brothers).jauffe and baurus (along with the bruma soldier burd) .well after seeing them still lying there by that demonic machine,she had had it (what with martin's death also) she went back to her home in anvil,and took off every piece of armour she was wearing (along with all her weapons).she then changed into a blue dress that she had,and left to go for a wander (not caring if she was going to be attacked) she was attacked by a grizzly bear,that just was the final straw.she proceeded to beat it to a pulp.finding that she was liking this style of unarmed combat,she proceeded to take on any enemy that dared to attack her (including what seemed like a whole tomb of vampires,when she started exploring a new ruin). (she had to get it out of her system!) i can report though that she now feels a lot better (and is wearing armour/using weapons again)although she may well go back to that style of combat again