He equipped the gunner machine gun, stood behind any barrier on either side of the map on his end and then jumped up and down continuously while constantly firing, over and over and over again without aiming or knowing who was on the other end at all... Doing virtually nothing else as he played the game, he ended with 28 kills 3 deaths. Killed our entire team many times over, without aiming. To me, it certainly looked like some sort of weakness in the map design that he was exploiting that made every random shot a headshot.
It was *annoying* getting killed by random flying bullets that you KNEW were never even targeted at you from way out at the other end of the map as soon as you walked past any wall. It looked like the randomness of the flying bullets was less than random because as he jumped the bullets ended up getting you "headshot" so at least 1 bullet would kill you no matter where you were, because the barrier helped him get lots of random shots at head level.
Food for thought, Crytek.