I, like many of you, have come to these forums after experiencing game stopping bug with the system after installing OWB and Lonesome Road. I had been playing the game with only Dead Money DLC installed and it ran decently. I had noticed before that when I would look at New Vegas the game would start to studder, I have come to see this effect become unbareable once I spent the money and installed the two latest DLCs. I do not think that it is a "old character memory" leak issue, as this is a brand new PS3 (after FNV killed my old PS3, which still has the game disc inside its hulking carcase) and I installed the 1.07 patch before I started this character.
I would like to see how many others out there notice that the game stopping slowdown happens when they are in New Vegas, or looking at it?
I would also like to know if there are any support staff reprisentatives that actually read this forum? And, if so, is there any way that when they created these DLCs that someone forgot to spend the time to remove any of the lighting objects that are constantly generated when the Neon lights of New Vegas flash? I quite honestly think that the memory leak is from these lighting effects, and that there needs to be some, as programmers would say, garbage clean up happening of them.