Lightning Bolt in my Left Hand Doesnt Work

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:38 am

Like the title says. The specific spell Lightning Bolt will not work in my Left hand. it does everything except actaully shoot lightning, even crackling wiht electric graphics and making a glowing spot when i use it. But it wont actually cast. I can use Lightning Bolt in my right hand just fine. But trying to dual-cast it also results in failure.

It is quite literally only this one spell, in only my left hand that wont work. Theres nothing special about my game, I dont have any mods. and no hardware changes at all in a few months. It just suddenly started doing this.

Edit: Okay this is actually much weirder than I thought. Apparently, the spell is casting but with no graphics. But the weird thing is it keeps hitting this one spot in a cave. Every time, it hits this one spot, no matter where I am. How the hell... I don't even know. I just don't.

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