Ive tried adapting the soul gem traps from the warehousetraps in the CK, as well as a few scripts ive found in here, the closest i can find being ( http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1360287-magic-caster-trap-creation/?hl=%2Bgem+%2Btrap ).
What im trying to do is create a lighting bolt effect from the sky. So a lightning bolt from an invisible start to a spot i choose.
I have gotten as close as a traptriggerbox activating a xmarkeractivator with these scripts, it triggers the first time i load it up and shoots a random spot, even if given a target (X,Y,Z does work but is slow in setting up).
The bigger problem is each time i make changes to the XYZ in the CK and reload the cell, the trap is suddenly firing automatically even before triggered.
So if there are some script wizards reading and feeling helpful, i just want a simple (seemingly) "trigger sets off a lighting bolt from spot A to spot B and is done, no re-firing needed, just one pulse".
Thanks again in advance to those people with a knack for scripting.