» Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:03 am
Dear OP,
From your comment about 'keeping down clutter', I can see where you're coming from. Ranked pages on sites like Digg and Reddit will display the most commented or agreed upon comments. Works wonders on news aggregate websites around the world. Unfortunately, forums do not work that way. Each comment is logged and sorted by date and time of reply so even if the best answer is buried at page 7, you will have to dig for it instead of having it nicely presented to you within the first two pages. But we don't have that feature, and probably never will. So until this suddenly shines like a beacon of truth in some middle manager's coke addled brain as the idea of all ideas, we're gonig to be stuck with what we have. That means you have to read 8 pages of terrible puns and unfunny forum injokes before getting to the end. Alternatively, you can do what seems to be the norm here and reply without reading the thread.