About no level scaling, who wants a level 50 dragon stalking you at the very beginning of the game?
I do.
It would make me run and hide. It would make me fear dragons. It would feel like a huge accomplishment when I slay that dragon later on. Most importantly, it would make me feel as though the world evolved according to its own rules.
Good zone /plot design would ensure that you didn't get whacked by a level 50 dragon right out of the turorial. But an early meeting with a high-level dragon, with the choice to fight it or run away, and one of these options obviously wrong, would be amazing.
I really don't get people's need to be able to kill anything at any level / equipment / skillset. What's the point of having enemies at all if there is no danger (other than the danger of forgetting to block once every couple of seconds)?
Enemies should make you consider your options, not just as a player ("how good am I at kiting this guy while throwing fireballs") but as a character in the game ("Should my thief/assassin make a frontal attack on this group of well-armed bandits?"). Fleeing should occasionally be the option that makes most sense, especially if you get in over your head. At the same time, the game world should make enough sense that the more cautious player can work out the probability of getting in over his head, and for the most part avoid this.
At the same time, why is it a problem that, at a high level, some enemies are easy to kill? A lot could be done with low-level enemies to avoid them being boring. Maybe they flee a few times if encountered alone, then gang up on you ten-to-one. Maybe they yield and offer you gold to spare their lives, making them a lot more believable - bandits prey on the weak, right?
Just to be clear: I don't want an easy endgame where you steamroll everything. I want a sense of progression, a believable world, a mortal fear of certain enemies for a large portion of the game, and the freedom to make a mistake. In Oblivion, it was almost impossible to make a bad decision. So, all decisions were meaningless / cosmetic.
The levelling in Fallout 3 was much improved, and the 'intelligent quest system' that they are hinting at (quest dungeon is chosen and populated depending on your level and exploration pattern) sounds worlds better than the Oblivion system, so I'm hopeful. But I would still prefer a game with as little levelling as possible.
The fact that people are calling the Oblivion level scaling 'ok' really bemuses me. It was a huge, huge flaw, and one that negatively effected many other aspects of the game (believable world, character identity, an otherwise reasonably good combat system, thrill of exploration).