» Tue May 17, 2011 1:58 am
I played as a custom battlemage and found it pretty effective on the default difficulty, seemed definitely more effective than my brother with his high level bow pin cushioning enemies. If you're on your first run through I would not recommend using efficient leveling as it is time consuming especially later on. It would most likely be best to do it on a second playthrough after you thoroughly know the ins and outs of all your favourite skills, because you can end up with very good characters.
Restoration is extremely useful, healing is a life saver, especially for mages, because they tend to have plenty of magicka and not a large amount of health. Destruction spells are great because they can give you the upper hand against melee guys, doing significant damage while taking none. Conjuration is good if you choose the right summons, I would avoid spider daedra, unless you want a summon that lets you take all the blows. Alteration is useful if you do not want to invest in an armour skill alteration would be a good choice due to its protect spells offering decent protection compared to available armour at the same level, and it also has useful lock picking spells (if you don't get the skeleton key) and walk on water, water breathing and lighten spells. Mysticism I don't think is as good, but it has telekineses, and soul trap. Also alchemy is not too useful too have as a major skill, as it effects your leveling and therefore enemy difficulties, and you can make potions pretty well even without it as a major skill.
I would recommend investing in one form of weapon, to be able to fend off creatures effectively, if you were to do so I would recommend blade over blunt, as blade seems to have more unique super weapons like the umbra, dusk/dawn fang, ebony blade, sword of the crusader, goldbrand. Otherwise I honestly don't know the benefits of blade or blunt over one another. Also, the mages guild gives a few good very magicka efficient spells, and when you are accepted into the arcane university you get a good charge efficient stave. The problem is that the rewards are leveled to when you first receive them, so you must trade off greater effectiveness later with effectiveness now. Also if you are creating your own spells know that putting 50 heal one second takes more mana than say 20 heal for three seconds despite the greater healing of the second, this works with destruction spells also. I played on xbox so I figured out a way of remembering my hotkeys on the d pad, I would put on target spells on up (they fly forward), guard spells on left (they have a picture of a shield which is on the left hand) healing on down (pointing towards me). I know it sounds stupid but it worked so maybe you could do something similar on the pc.