I recently started a new play through to help get myself inspired to continue working on NVInteriors. I thought it was a bit odd that I could fast travel from places like "The Old Mormon Fort", "North Vegas", "West Vegas" and, any other walled in community. I decided to make a mod for personal use to limit fast travel to only the wasteland and, open towns, cities. My intent is to force myself to have to walk through, in and, out of areas, not just jump from place to place.
I'm not an anti-fast travel person, nor do I want to disable it in any way. I just want to limit it to the exterior entrance to any given community.
Example: having to go to one of the Freeside Gates and, walk thorough to get back to the Lucky 38, not just teleporting to the strip.
If there is any interest in this I will release it once I finish the few other places I want to keep myself from fast traveling from. If not I'll just keep it for personal use.
let me know