Limited Charges on Enchanted Weapons

Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:12 am

So use a weapon with no enchantment, and problem solved. Weaker, but permanent. :thumbsup:

bad suggestion
naaa that wouldnt be cool, no special effects and stuff. There should be at least one lets call it "tier" of weapon/enchantment types that are permanent, without the need of charge
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:45 pm

I'd be happy with a return to MW's gradual recharge over time. You had the option to fast-recharge it with soulgems, or use it sparingly and avoid the problem. Having unlimited charges on an "uber" item takes away any sense of strategy, which I suppose is what a lot of the hack&slash players want: just another mindless killing game.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:12 am

I'm not a fan of the charges on enchanted weapon either. I do understand that if that mechanic wasnt there we could all make op weapons but there are other ways to solve that. Maybe enchanting weapon could need a certain number of soul gems based on the enchantement you're doing. So to make an op weapon, you would need a gazillion soul gems. It would make it possible, but difficult. Also, a single soul gem could allow you to make a minor, permanent enchantement to your weapon.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:39 pm

I'd be happy with a return to MW's gradual recharge over time. You had the option to fast-recharge it with soulgems, or use it sparingly and avoid the problem. Having unlimited charges on an "uber" item takes away any sense of strategy, which I suppose is what a lot of the hack&slash players want: just another mindless killing game.

... yeah so what is wrong about that?
of course Im just kidding but if you think that the given mechanics are the only feasible ones, then something must be wrong with you, there should still be alot of different ways to balance enchanted weapons other then just turning them into weapons with "ammo clips"
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:36 am

Reading through these threads, I can assume that people would rather do away with charges on a weapon and instead have it in a similar fashion as Dragon Age Origins (to name a relatively recent game that used it)?

So instead of having a 'Daedra Bane' with 15 charges of +25 dmg vs. Daedra before you need to recharge it, you'd have a 'Daedra Bane' with +5 dmg vs. Daedra?

I could live with that as charges on a weapon (with no natural regeneration like in Morrowind) were something I could never wrap myself around. I'd rather have a static -weaker- bonus that keeps on going instead of inserting a new ammo clip after 15 uses :)

Also hoping that you can strip an older enchantment from your enchanted weapons (not artifacts though; just ones that you made yourself) and replace them with newer ones. I can see lots of uses for this as you grow into your Enchanting skill and want to give your favorite sword a makeover.


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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:13 pm

yeh i like the idea of charges but you shouldn't have to have to use a soul gem to create that way you can up the charges allot. the only use should be for recharging
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Kaylee Campbell
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