» Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:48 pm
Before I start an explanation, let me start by saying I play both PC/console FPS, and I never hipfire. Once you get good enough it becomes a near instant twitch reaction, but with all things it requires practice and patience. I, for one, am a competitive gamer, it's a hobby of mine, but I like to push myself to be the best, and therefore there are some tips/tricks online for using the ADS (aim down sight) option.
For starters, I would use the Red Dot sight hands down. It will train you to look at a specific point down range and fire quickly due to the fact that there will be a giant red dot over the enemy. What I normally do when I'm new to any game and using any weapon for the first time is I aim at a wall and fire as quickly as I can to look at bullet spread/recoil (this is easily done by looking at the bullet holes on said wall). Once you find a weapon that suits your playstyle (which there are a variety which I will touch on next), you will feel a comfort that you won't feel with any other weapon. Unfortunately this can be misleading, like in Modern Warfare 2 and the UMP45 which was overpowered compared to the rest of the SMG's (yet I fully admit I used that gun everytime just because it was good).
Next up, your playstyle. Every person has a different playstyle. Some like to cover/attack, some like hit and run attacks, others like being in the front. Since you are new to FPS's, I suggest playing around with all the weapons until you get a feel for what you like to do most. For example, I know my playstyle, and it is run and gun, constantly moving never stopping. My logic behind that is, if you never stop moving, you are harder to hit all the time, which is fact because obviously it's much harder to hit a moving target.
If you have any questions about this feel free to PM me. I have about 15 years of FPS experience under my belt. =)