» Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:14 pm
Ok, almost all the videos are dated now. The dates I have listed for the videos are the dates that are listed where there offical source is. For instance, if it is a IGN interview, I went on IGN's webpage, found the ariticle containing the interview, and used the date that the article was published. Those are NOT just random dates from when it was posted on youtube. A lot of effort went into tracking them all down. The dates right now are all just listed in the change log. I am missing a very small amount of dates, if anyone is able to track them down for me, that would be great. Remeber, if you do find the date, please link the source for it. I'm looking for when (for instance) gametrailers posted the video on their website, not when someone ripped it and thru it on youtube.
While doing the research for all the dates, I belive I saw some videos that are not included yet. The current plan is to track down the missing dates, go thru the list one by one again double checking the dates and grabbing any missing vidoes, and then the big reorder. I plan on linking the original source with the reorder, so not only can you watch the videos live right in the post or click on them to watch them in youtube, you will be able to click the source link to watch them right where they orignally came from, complete with the articale (if any) that was published at the time with the video.
Hoepfully that will be a much better order (newest first, oldest last) for everyone's viewing pleasure. The changelog will ensure that if I add a video right in the middle somewhere you won't miss it becuse it will be in the log.
I am only one person (one very sick person as of late, two ER visits this weekend) so please be patiant with me as I work on this the next couple days. I'll do as much as I can tonight, but tommorw I will probably be busy most of the day. Any and all help is apriated of course.