Ok, following a thread I created in the general section, I was told that neither fortify heavy armor nor tempering add value to unarmored fighting. Tempering adds to weapons, so I reckon it should add to unarmored as well to make it a truly viable option.
Now, I've just opened the CK and after a bit of browsing, under "magic effect", you have "AlchFortifyHeavyArmor" and "EnchFortifyHeavyArmorConstantSelf". When I open the window, there's a sub menu called "perk to apply". if I chose "FistOfSteel", I suppose that would achieve what I'm trying to do (not 100% sure though), but I'm wondering if there might be any side effects, like will the bonus go away after the duration of the potion, will the unarmored damage formula go bonkers and make me overpowered.
I'm still looking for the tempering values/settings in the CK though, any idea where I can find those?