U should add http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15619 to the list.
Thanks for the suggestion, added!
1.) Which do you prefer of the two levelling mod types: the attribute changers or the auto-levellers? I can't decide between nGCD and SPAM. :mellow:
Well, that's a question everyone has to answer for him/herself. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and in the end it comes down to personal preference. Like in this community most people seem to be using nGCD, while in another I know of an adapted version of KseAliLeveling is extremely popular. I personally like SPAM most, but I think I'm the minority, and other people have their reasons to prefer nGCD

2.) Do you need Wyre Bash to install Race Balancing Project? Because the online readme (which was translated from German) is cryptic on how to install this mod with OOO. :confused:
Actually, no and no. Err. You don't need Wrye Bash to install the main parts of the mod, but for some optional extras (like NPCDiversity) you need it.
Also the readme was written from scratch in English, but if I write longer texts sometimes my brain just goes haywire :wacko:. Sorry for that!
3.) Which MMM plug-ins should be used?
Meh! :cheat:
Whichever you want, and are compatible with the rest of your plugins?
4.) The thing about the FCOM releveller for Bob's Armory--what is that and where can I find it? Do you need FCOM for it?
For the older FCOM releveler for Bob's armory you didn't need FCOM, look for an 8.x download of FCOM

. Probably linked on the FCOM homepage (linked in first post).