- After dying in the museum in Concord, upon reloading, the weapon was now cradled instead of at ready. Weapon would not fire or reload; needed to change weapons in Pip Boy and change back before laser musket was visible and working again.
- Dogmeat does not always move when blocking the only accessible entrance/exit to a location. Inside small rooms, he almost traps you in there because he won't move and you can't go far enough away for him to follow you.
- In Workshop mode, fences build in the air when starting at the top of a hill to go down, or build into the hill to go up. This creates fences that can be walked under, or walked over due to their z-axis placement.
- Game is too addicting. Please patch users immediately to fix this.
Reporting for a friend on PS4:
- Gun display issue where the gun is not pointed forward but still can be fired (changing weapon and changing back fixed it)
- Subtitles issue where NPC subtitles do not update, but player subtitles do.
Feel free to add your bugs/issues to this list