* Carbon Fibre mod for sniper rifle does not lower it's weight (the numbers say it did, but it still weighs 8)
* Achievements not triggering properly (on steam) i completed the game with hardcoe enabled and it didnt trigger, several others did not trigger, including and not limited to, ALL the level up achievements, and several quest/challenge achievements, i don't even know if the hardcoe reward triggered for me completing the game, but i was expecting a better reward or something, not just the ability to turn it on or off at leasure. the game wasnt that much harder with hardcoe mode on to begin with.
* Multiple accounts of bugged npc's resulting in looping dialogue options for "infinite Exp" old ben in freeside is one of them if the quest for the 3 patrons is allready done.
* Eyes of NPC's not in the right place, cheyenne is a good example she is the first npc i ran into that i saw had this bug, doesnt happen 100% of the time but IF it happens her eyes hang on the side of her Neck
* NPC (mainly Scorpions and Coyotes walk either with 1 side embedded into the earth or head/tail first
* NPC's floating instead of walking (hoker on the strip "danced" instead of walking
* NPC's getting stuck in the floor
* Dropped items getting stuck in the floor or being gone completely (most notable in the Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse)
* When killing the robots in the Sacrifice Chamber in Vault 11 the Quest "The House Always Wins I" Sometimes fails (this one is prolly know by a lot of people allready but i guessed i'd type it out also)
* Game also crashes on random occasions ussually right after a quicksave (so far this has not resulted in a corrupted save for me yet, but i had my fair share of game breaking bugs which i had to work around with Console commands, most notable the Doors of the Lucky 38 dissapearing as mentioned earlier)
* Come Fly With Me, broke the game for my brother, when finished his game crashed and any savegame created in close time of completing would result corrupted
* not sure if this is a bug, but almost every time i entered Freeside a king member comes running towards me saying he appreciates the help and gives me a random gift, after 20 gifts this is getting a bit dull. tbh 1 time is enough

* same goes for the NCR Radio, i have had that given to me at least 4 times in the course of the game
* NPC's that get too close in V.A.T.S. will dodge all ranged attacks, i dunno if this classifies as a bug but i found it damn annoying to miss a shot at close range. died numerous times because of it.
* Companions are [censored], they attack anything in sight wether you put them on Passive or aggressive.
* Companions get stuck at some parts in the game
* Companions Sometimes dissapear (happened like 6 times with ED-E for me, i eventually gave up and sent the bot back home, the combat tune was starting to get on my nerves too
* Companions annoy the hell out of me with their constant lines of text, Example Boone: "You should let me take that shot next time", or Cass: "Waste of Ammo" While A: the target i was shooting at was HIT and Damaged or B: Hit and Killed in one shot.
besides the pletora of bugs i just typed some thoughts on the game:
thats all i am gonna type for now, am tired and frustrated, the game has good elements but i disliked the story line since you cannot continue to quest after it is finished.
the weapons you could craft in Fallout 3 don't seem to be present in new vegas either, kind of a letdown tbh.
the game's ammo crafting and such is neat but a bit overrated, it's too much of a hassle to gather the resources for the ammo i'd rather just grind mobs for loot and sell that to buy the ammo with.
i'd rather be able to craft upgraded versions of weapons or maybe even mods for normal ones.