After it seems that we have the most complete list possible, I will post a link to the questionnaire and after some time to allow as many people to respond as possible, I will post the results. At that point, either we'll have some interesting facts about what people would really like to see added to future TES games that Bethesda could refer to if they so desired, or just a list of talking points to debate as always. Regardless, this won't amount to much without your participation so please, tell us what you think.
I realize some of these are just bug fixes and of course everyone would probably like bugs fixed, ultimately however, the idea is to rank the features/bugs to see what is most important to the forum community.
Things that can be improved for TES VI
1) Items that are dropped either by your character, or NPC's you kill, get deleted and removed after a specific amount of in-game time (a week?), to eliminate save game bloat.
2) Disposition towards your character needs to be better implemented. For example, if you are Thane of Whiterun, why do guards still make fun of the hair growing out of your ears, and for losing your sweet roll?
3) Bring back the ability to use speechcraft with any NPC, intimidate, tell joke, persaude, etc. It doesn't have to be the mini-game we had in Oblivion since many didn't like it, but some way to engage an NPC and increase/decrease their disposition towards you.
4) Better recognition by NPC of current PC activity, i.e. player opening secret passage door to Thieves Guild must wait until the coast is clear before opening the passage otherwise if a guard sees him, he will arrest him, or an NPC who isn't a guard will go tell a guard what they have seen, etc.
5) Give "good" characters more options for factions and quests. Currently you have two "bad" factions, Thieves and Dark Brotherhood that a player feels they must join to get the most out of the game, even if they are role playing a good character. If we had more faction options, factions that didn't have you killing and stealing, a player could more effectively role player a good character and feel better represented.
6) Assuming marriage is a part of TES VI, please have more voice acting lines from your 'spouse' to help deepen the relationship a little bit. Maybe even a quest line for married couples after they are married? Something they have to do as a team? Anything that might make being married more significant.
7) Give the ability for followers to have a horse and ride it, or, the ability for followers to ride behind the player on his horse.
8) For those who like playing Ranger type characters, or for anyone for that matter, add radiant quests to track down animals that attack and kill travelers. You could leave tracks or other signs leading from the body or bodies to a cave or some other animal lair where the player could kill the dangerous animals then collect a reward.
9) More quests with deeper stories for all factions. In Skyrim many of the quest lines seemed too short with not enough backing story. Also, your rise in the various factions was too fast and too easy. More ranks inside of a faction would be good, such as being recognized as a "student", then maybe "teacher", "tenured professor", all the way up to Arch Mage of the college.
10) Bring back skill requirements for advancement in guilds, i.e. can't become a "student" until you have one of your mage type skills up to 25 or 30, or whatever makes sense. Each progression would require a higher skill level until you got to Arch Mage where maybe you needed a couple of mage skills as high as 80. I'm just using the ranks and numbers as an example.
11) More weapons, spears, throwing knives, throwing stars, crossbow, clubs, etc
12) More options for how our armor looks such as the ability to dye armor to change the color.
13) NPC's need more dialogue. Skyrim can be pretty annoying sometimes when you have the same characters telling you the same bit of useless information over and over. "I work with my mom...".
14) Portable camping gear so you and your follower can camp at night in the wilderness. Tent, chairs, fire, leather screens and whatever else makes sense. Just don't forget we might have a follower so we need more than one bedroll.
15) Bring back degrading weapons and armor.
16) Give detailed instructions, maps or a combination, to help players find locations. Then give us the option to turn off the compass. That way, those of us who don't want the compass can still locate what we are looking for without a feature we do not want that many feel takes away from immersion and the feeling of exploration. This has been a request since before Oblivion came out and I think it's time it was implemented.
17) More diseases and poisons. They were virtual nonexistent in Skyrim.
18) Bring back the ability to create your own spells such as OPEN, LOCK, MARK, RECALL, etc. Stop holding our hands. If someone finds it confusing, they don't have to use it.
19) Bring back first person werewolf and horse riding. Do not force people to use third person. Moving between the two breaks immersion for old time, traditional RPGers.
20) Fix the first person camera so that you are "seeing through your eyes" and not some spot in your neck.
21) Give arrows weight. They do weigh something, so make us account for it.
22) Craftable arrows, enchantable arrows. Players want these options.
23) Revamp fast travel. Re-establish "Mark" and "Recall". Give us camping kits where we can setup camp and ROLE PLAY our journey across the map. Better and more varied, random encounters to encourage people to want to travel from point A to B by foot or horse and not get bored.
24) More NPC's. Even in the cities it seems fairly empty. With more NPC's it gives greater impact to what you are doing in the world. Save a town from some attack, with more than a handful of NPC's it has greater impact on the player.
25) Better weather. I believe it is time to step it up a notch and figure out how to have dynamic landmass textures. So lets say you are in an area that is usually snowy, how cool would it be if there wasn't always snow on the ground? What if storms were able to move across the land and with it, change the land and how it looks? Puddles, snow, snow drifts. Certainly areas would have tendancies but lets move away from stagnant weather and land textures. I think it's time Bethesda took weather to the next level.
26) Once and for all, fix it so that if you are standing under shelter, rain and snow doesn't come through the roof.
27) The ability to sail in a boat as an alternative means to travel to some cities, not fast travel, but more an alternative to a horse. Maybe allow the horse to go with you on the boat?
28) Less big named actors for spoken dialogue and more voice actor variance for random NPC's.