A list of idiotic complaints.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:27 pm

Why hasn't M'aiq died in 200 years.

According to my boyfriend, when he spoke to him he said that his father was named M'aiq, and his father's father, etc. Implying that you had previously spoken to his ancestors.(:
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Stryke Force
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:14 am

According to my boyfriend, when he spoke to him he said that his father was named M'aiq, and his father's father, etc. Implying that you had previously spoken to his ancestors.(:
My question is, why hasn't someone killed M'aiq because he's such a liar? I'd think someone would get tired of his untrue statements and put him out of his misery.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:46 pm

According to my boyfriend, when he spoke to him he said that his father was named M'aiq, and his father's father, etc. Implying that you had previously spoken to his ancestors.(:

Hahaha! That M'aiq~

I hope we meet the M'aiq family when TES goes to Elsweyr. More wisdom then all the books in Tamriel under one roof.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:54 pm

Hahaha! That M'aiq~

I hope we meet the M'aiq family when TES goes to Elsweyr. More wisdom then all the books in Tamriel under one roof.

Same! With a little baybay M'aiq in a carriage.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:27 pm

I wonder how long it will be until the mods finally close this. 300 posts? Lets go for a new record! lol (One of you mods better post in this thread, I'm dying to see what you can come up with!)

Anyway, to keep this on topic why won't my computer that came over on the Mayflower run Skyrim?
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carley moss
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:19 pm

Tendency of the weekend:

A sparkly mage of destruction to beat the game on master without enchanting and smiting, and any perk altogether, because it is unbalanced and overpowered and not suitable for a milk drinker that hates kids in town because their voice is funny.

Tendency of the whole week:

Playing the game posting mage rage is OP!1!
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:18 pm

Running down the "secret" entrance to the theives den. Always glitch and stick on the stairs when running so i have to squat or run back an inch to fit under. Ugh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:03 am

Why hasn't M'aiq died in 200 years.

According to my boyfriend, when he spoke to him he said that his father was named M'aiq, and his father's father, etc. Implying that you had previously spoken to his ancestors.(:

Good information!

I also read that one of Ma'iq's lines is something along the lines of, "Have you ever been Soul Trapped? It's very unpleasant." I like to think that Ma'iq got caught up in some shenanigans and got Soul Trapped, and was somehow released/restored sometime later. :wink_smile: Just for fun.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:36 pm

some stupid complaints

why when my folowers run infront of me why do i alway feel the urge to fusrodah them off a cliff

if there are lusty argonian maids where are the ferral kajiti?

why arnt there dragon corpses from other people killing dragons?

why dont some sort of mushrooms make me halucinate?

unbound demora dosent go on a giant killing spree after im done with him

not enough collors of butterflys

Charlie the unicorn dosent lead me to candyland

there is no official product placement of Bawls energy soda

vampires all look like they are on crack

there is no lusty argonian maid six scene

no smokeable "herbs" in game

my horse has no sattlebags

no dirty pigs to kill

i cant cook bacon

there is no potion i can take to turn me into chuck norris

dragons arnt immune to magic

its been 6 months in game and i havnt taken a crap

Oghma Infinium the sea of infinite knowledge dosent make you a god

no more summoning scamps....

ill think of more
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:23 pm

Why are all kids born as ten year olds? This is in no way realistic and is killing immersion for me. :hubbahubba:
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:03 pm

some stupid complaints
why when my folowers run infront of me why do i alway feel the urge to fusrodah them off a cliff
if there are lusty argonian maids where are the ferral kajiti?
why arnt there dragon corpses from other people killing dragons?
why dont some sort of mushrooms make me halucinate?
unbound demora dosent go on a giant killing spree after im done with him
not enough collors of butterflys
Charlie the unicorn dosent lead me to candyland
there is no official product placement of Bawls energy soda
vampires all look like they are on crack
there is no lusty argonian maid six scene
no smokeable "herbs" in game
my horse has no sattlebags
no dirty pigs to kill
i cant cook bacon
there is no potion i can take to turn me into chuck norris
dragons arnt immune to magic
its been 6 months in game and i havnt taken a crap
Oghma Infinium the sea of infinite knowledge dosent make you a god
no more summoning scamps....
ill think of more
I see some that I'm posting in the next thread. lmao
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:06 pm

I don't get think anything compares to the THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH FORKS IN SKYRIM, THEREFORE IT IS NOT A GOOD GAME thread.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:26 am

why are there only human children?
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 am

This game needs PVP!
How can I make my horrible existence better, if I can't make scrubs feel bad because of how good I am.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:10 am

Why do Mudcrabs appear to be rocks but then pop up out of the ground to attack? Those little bastards scare the [censored] out of me when they do that. I'll just be walking along and some fearsome Mudcrab appears out of nowhere to nip at my ankles.

Its not a crab, but http://darktower.wikia.com/wiki/Lobstrosities. You must be very careful, Roland of Gilead lost two fingers and one toe to one of these bastards.

My personal preference for silly complain is ORE MINING. When you pick up flowers and alchemy ingredients it happen instantly, but if you want to get some ore you'll need to watch the mining animation.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:32 pm

He doesnt ask you to lead the charge, and in this case you did see attack patterns and such, but why you couldnt just tell the guards and wish them good luck and eternal glory i dont know :)

That's basically what happened anyway, I sat in the tower and sung a happy song while they did the dirty work. I've since then became more of a man, but still.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:31 am

Why hasn't M'aiq died in 200 years.

His father was named Ma'iq. And his father was named Ma'iq. And his father was named Ma'iq.

And his father was named Ma'iq.

And his father was named Ma'iq.

And his father was named Ma'iq.

And his father was named Ma'iq.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:18 pm

Lol, yeah, but he's not asking me advice on surviving one, he's telling me to go fight one. Surviving one and then leading the charge to kill one are two separate things. I survived by screaming like a girl and running after an Imperial. Hardly gave me any experience with how to kill the thing.

Haha, lol yes. I only survived because the dragon somehow managed not to kill me! It took me about 4 minutes of searching just to find the door that Ulfric was standing next to while shouting "Over here!"

I'm not kidding. I ran around the courtyard like an idiot looking for the way out, completely oblivious to the giant man shouting at me by a doorway.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:10 pm

- You can't see what you equip on the menu.
- You can only equip one ring. (Why not 10? You got 10 fingers!)
- Enchanting and smithing shouldn't be skills. Crafting shouldn't be considered as skills. Cooking is a joke in this game.
- No real feeling of accomplishment.
- No acrobatics.
- No athelics.
- Reduced Hand-to-Hand combats.
- Laggy game.
- Bugs.
- Stupid AI.
- Companion system is flawed.
- Having a level cap svcks.
- Only 81 level perks.
- Most perks are useless. (lockpicking)
- Lack of interesting loots.
- Many quests force you to end it ONE way.
- The lack of meaningful choices.
- Dragons are annoying as hell if you're a melee character.
- The map feels awkward, even Fast Travelling is a pain
with the custom direction arrow getting in the way.
- Clairvoyance sometimes leading you in the wrong places. (see above)
- Invisible walls (see the two aboves)
- Being forced to do some stuff your character wouldn't usually do to
complete a questline breaks my immersion.
- Kids and other essential character. Too many of them and you just
can't kill them, even after you complete the main quest. I specially
hate the essential characters that just love insulting your character
for no reason, whatsoever. Where's the logic when you want to afflict
them harm and they just stand up all over again while it's possible
for you to kill your own companions accidently? Which brings me to the
next point and many will agree on this one.
- ACCIDENTLY KILLING YOUR COMPANIONS because they are dumbasses that get
in your friggin way when you fight hostiles. Geez, worst AI ever.
- Companions don't level up with you unless you use a command on the
console. If you're a PS3 or Xbox player, you're screwed.
- Marriage is meaningless and flawed in Skyrim. No kaahjit candidates, only one redguard canditate (racism much?), no
wood elf candidate (bosmer), only a few argonians, etc. No divorce system. If your spouse dies,
the game won't recognize it and you won't be able to marry again. Most of the candidates are males.
- There's never enough cash in the shops for my loots to sell, EVEN with
the mercantile perks used.
- Pickpocketing is a joke in this game. They should've left it like it
was in earlier games. Less troubling to only invest points in sneak.
Really, it ruined up my experience as a stealth player. Most of those
perk points could've been easily spent somewhere else.
- Too much repititive quests, repeated lines, same voice actors...
(Some kids have different accents than their parents, WTF?)
- Daerdras and Aerdras. If you want to play an atheist, you're screwed.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:41 pm

Looks like a fake to me, comon look at the names that signed the petition Ulfrikstromcloak, [censored] f#*ker, Butt sx, Argonian A. Its just a troll trying to stir the pot. :rolleyes:

Do you know the definition of 'joke'?

*Fists up, squared shoulders, bent at knee*

"Lets get ready to Rummmmbbble!" :toughninja:


Now seriously, I can take a joke Im not a total twit, if youre "really" interested in why I made the previous comment in the manner I did feel free to pm me for clarification, Im not interested in having this thread closed.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:57 pm

Best one I seen tus far was the petition. Blizzard what ?


Oops that one I think was fake here is the real artilce. This one isn't a joke.

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Rachael Williams
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:18 am

yikes, post limit.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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