» Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:03 am
Why don't frost trolls sit underneath frosty bridges? it's immersion breaking, god dammit!
How come Falmer won't barter with me for my magic mushrooms? I thought they liked them..
I drop my sword, my grand soul gem and wait for a dragon to breathe fire at them.. but I don't get an enchanted fire sword! why?!
So I just gained vampirism, but my character doesn't sparkle in the sunlight.. Bethesda should fire their effect guys, this svcks!
My character made a skeever follow him to a mammoth.. but the mammoth doesn't flee? why doesn't Bethesda ever get anything right..
I see a dragonborn argonian doesn't fly. Bethesda obviously didn't have their heads on straight when designing it.