» Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:12 am
Why does no one seem to mind things like axes floating in mid-air, and how did they get there if there's no Levitation spell?
Where are mudcrabs getting gold from?
I've never seen a dragon eat someone, yet I find armor in them? Are they eating people? Someone's cousin, perhaps?
Why is my companion totally happy to sneak around with me when I'm stealing but then gets huffy about my doing it? If he's so morally offended, why doesn't he turn me in?
Why can't the game treat forced conversations as paused so I don't have to watch Faendal getting mauled by a bear while some guy's yapping at me?
Why do NPCs remark on my being a dragonborn but not actually talk to me about it?
After seeing me absorb a soul, why do guards still think they might be the dragonborn?
Why does that one NPC in Riften think that merely by my being in his immediate vicinity, I am agreeing to accept his quest?
Why are there sound effects for actions with no performers, such as the sounds of alchemy when no one's using the table?
Why haven't the city guards mounted a full investigation into sweetroll theft?
Why did Oblivion have silverware but Skyrim doesn't? Did people actually de-evolve in 200 years to go back to eating with their hands? And how are they eating soup?
Why can't there be a red outfit so I can look like a deranged elven Santa Claus in the Santa hat?
Why do most of the outfits have that awful fur ruff that makes me look like a linebacker? (My character's female.)
How are people (such as myself) not freezing to death in regular clothes in snowy cities?
How many words are there in Tamrielic for snow?