» Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:39 am
There are chicken eggs, pine thrush eggs, and rock warbler eggs. I've collected them all and used them. I think chicken eggs are used in a restore health potion, but don't quote me on recipes (I'm an alchemy fiend).
Why do my companions keep running into me when I stop?
Why don't my companions get out of the way when I'm trying to go through a doorway?
Why can't the AI figure out how to move companions across terrain in the way I moved rather than having them go around by half a mile?
How the hell did I eat a beak? Or a claw?
Why isn't my character experiencing extreme chafing from wearing armor 24/7?
Why do people feel the need to run up to me to tell me where they work? Over and over?
Why does the guard claim my shouting makes people nervous when no one appears to be even slightly perturbed?
How is it I can store soup in a burlap sack?
Why are there apples but no apple trees?
Why isn't garlic used to cook rather than make potions? The food all sounds very bland.
Why are everyone's cousins employed fighting dragons, and how did someone come up with such a specialized recruiting agency?
Why is it that no one can see me in sneak mode when my companion's holding a lit torch over my head?
How does my companion keep a lit torch in his rucksack exactly?
How can I pause in a fight and eat 30 carrots or whole bowls of soup?
Are there any rested draugr?
Why are there no squirrels? Or mice?
And continuing from Oblivion (and perhaps beyond), why do people beg for money when the cities are filled with barrels of food?
Why is there no cooking skill?
What if some guard actually is the dragonborn and just doesn't know it yet? Perhaps it's not me after all.