» Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:50 pm
Lemme tell you something, it may be against the rules to mention a cheater's name but i will tell you what? Who gives a crap! We have rights and i wanna know their names, so do current admins too. If they have their own server, they'd wanna at LEAST know whose the cheater is so they can keep an eye out and monitor it and if they see it, BAN! Problem solved. Keep posting who you see cheating. Pics or videos if you have to. We wanna know whose cheating out there so we can keep the system strong to prevent cheaters ruining a good battle.
Actually, this is a forum. You have whatever rights the admins say you have.
Hi guys, sorry but these are not the sort of topics that we want on gamesas. If you wish to keep a record of cheaters then you'll need to do it on another site. Perhaps the RSP server that you play on has a site that you can report cheaters to? A way to contact the admins to report trouble makers?
Here it just causes arguments and that's something that we wish to avoid. As mentioned, our anti-cheat software is constantly being improved and is an on-going process. We thank you for your patience with this.