List of Modding Artists and Request Thread...

Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:47 am

Wait... So if we wanted to make a mod request, this would be the place to do it?
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:55 pm

Wait... So if we wanted to make a mod request, this would be the place to do it?

For now at least until they give us a modding subforum.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:39 pm

That looks awesome. I have a bunch of ideas for inscriptions (all icelandic magical staves), I'm guessing that if you used all / most of them, it'd probably be massively overcrowded. is part of a ritual to summon evil / wicked spirits, and could maybe fit on / around the crossguard? is a protective symbol. Again, I think it might fit around the crossguard. is to induce fear. Rotate 90 deg left or right and have it run down the blade? were to be used with a whetstone to promote sharpness. One on either side of the base of the blade? were used to give you clear purpose. Two on each side of the blade, running down? were supposed to generate a sort of anti-magic field. Perhaps the same pattern as I suggested for the above?

Of course, some of those might have to be neatened up / simplified / whatever. Or you could add a fuller (channel running down the flat of the blade, sometimes called a 'blood groove'), or, of course, anything that you think looks cool.

Thar you go,


Tried putting engravings further up the blade as well, but it turned out looking rather cluttered and took away from the simplicity of the model ^^ What do you think?

Wait... So if we wanted to make a mod request, this would be the place to do it?

To an extent, this thread it really more aimed at requesting specific assets for mods etc rather than the mods themselves -since we cant really do anything about gameplay changes etc until we have the construction kit in hand)
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:50 am

Thar you go,


Tried putting engravings further up the blade as well, but it turned out looking rather cluttered and took away from the simplicity of the model ^^ What do you think?

Looks good. Did you do similar stuff on the flipped side of the blade? Also, because I'm kinda interested in the process, what's with the coloring on the crossguard bit? I figured this was just a textureless model at the moment. Was that done with like some tool in MAYA that's there just to help you get a clearer view of the model (like why I assume parts of the model get those shadows) or did you already start working on the texture for this thing?

While I'm asking, as I understand it (faintly / not at all) there a bunch of different parts and layers to models / textures, right? Like whatever a bump map (I assume totally different from a bitmap, lol), UA map, and other terms I'm probably misrememberring are. And different games use different sets, right? Like, obviously, a really old game won't have all of these cool things. Do you already know which things Skyrim is using?

I also remember that when OB came out, there was a whole to-do about figuring out how to export stuff into formats that the engine would accept. I really only remember this being a major issue for animations (I think the community figured them out years after release) but it might have taken a while for models & textures as well. Do you think that's going to be a problem?

Sorry if none of that made sense. I think I only really understood about 3/5ths of what I was saying there.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:56 am

I request that once the game comes out, a large group of modders organize into a big project and create some awesome mod content that rivals or surpasses the DLC that's released. ;) Ah well, pipe dream.
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:38 am

I doubt its in the game and i would like to see:

Unusual recipes that drop off monsters/found in chests for smithing and enchanting etc. Ranging from decent quality to epic quality, requiring run of the mill materials to extremely rare materials.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:16 am

Looks good. Did you do similar stuff on the flipped side of the blade? Also, because I'm kinda interested in the process, what's with the coloring on the crossguard bit? I figured this was just a textureless model at the moment. Was that done with like some tool in MAYA that's there just to help you get a clearer view of the model (like why I assume parts of the model get those shadows) or did you already start working on the texture for this thing?

While I'm asking, as I understand it (faintly / not at all) there a bunch of different parts and layers to models / textures, right? Like whatever a bump map (I assume totally different from a bitmap, lol), UA map, and other terms I'm probably misrememberring are. And different games use different sets, right? Like, obviously, a really old game won't have all of these cool things. Do you already know which things Skyrim is using?

I also remember that when OB came out, there was a whole to-do about figuring out how to export stuff into formats that the engine would accept. I really only remember this being a major issue for animations (I think the community figured them out years after release) but it might have taken a while for models & textures as well. Do you think that's going to be a problem?

Sorry if none of that made sense. I think I only really understood about 3/5ths of what I was saying there.

The texture is symmetrical so both sides of the blade have the same engravings on them (to make it different on both sides could mean increasing the texture size quite substantially, and the general rule of thumb with games is that textures use more memory than models anyway so trying to keep them as low as possible is an art unto itself)

As it stands I have about half of the basic texture done (the colour of the blade, and the cross-guard) nothing too fancy atm but I will embellish more later. You can set up basic colours for parts in maya easy enough, but the colour information doesn't normally export out of it so it's not very useful in terms of game creation.

As for multiple layers and what not...the way to think about it is that in a game engine an asset has a "material" this material is made out of a number of different images and effects, so a texture would give the model it's colour, an alpha map would dictate how translucent it is, a bump map would give it false geometry (a difficult concept but I can show it better with images later) and shaders can me applied to give the mesh different properties like reflectivity or a coarse look. All these aspects and more are all contained in the one material that is then applied to the mesh in the game engine.

In relation to what Skyrim will have? It's pretty much standard in modern games to have colour,alpha and bump/normal maps. It's been a long time since these were not involved in games ^^. After these basics though it is down to the game engine/creation tools to decide what additional functionality it will have, shaders are the most complicated as they are very math heavy and each game does them differently (unless you are using commercial tools like Unreal or whatever...but that's a whole other kettle of fish).

Some games even have new material properties that physically sculpt geometry from the texture when the game camera gets close, so for example if you walked up to a brick wall texture in a normal game, when you get close you will be able to tell it is just a flat plane, but new tech means that the game will register how close you are and actually create the geometry of bricks etc when you are close...there is some crazy tech out there XD

As for getting the assets in game, that's just a pipeline issue really, there will be one way (and normally one way only) to get the assets form your chosen package to the game, so it's just a case of finding this method, but when the G.E.C.K came out bethesda launched a decent wiki with tutorials etc on this, so hopefully they will do the same here...

Oops...somewhat long post :S I apologise! (I did some lecturing and ran some labs during my later Uni years...I'm always a bit too keen to spout information/show people how to do stuff XD )
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:38 am

I'm looking for someone who can do:

- Armor - either from other games, or original, but in a similar style/era as hal's armor)

- weapons somewhat similar to (basically dragon themed weapons (as ornate/simple as you like)

- (Zelda weapons/armor)

- a staff that has the Adoring Fan's head infused onto/into it (either located at the top, or 2/3 the way up it) that talks every so often. (Or a shield with his head infused [blocking with his face would be satisfying, it also would talk when idol, when attacking, when getting hit])

- a shield that mechanically turns into an offensive weapon (2h sword or axe,etc) can be manually or automatic (ie after you swing it goes back)

- a "switch axe" here are some examples: (not as giant/clunky as, but something like that [the way it transforms, how it is an axe/sword])

-, jk :)

- ill post more soon

I don't really have any pics yet but if someone is willing to do any of these I can/will create designs that you can follow (loosely, completely, or anywhere in between)

btw what program do you need to create a 3d object? (is it only 3ds max, maya, mudbox, and photoshop?)
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:15 am

Name: Maegfaer
Main skills: Scripting and animating
Interests: Advanced scripting, like new/overhauled game mechanics. The crazier the better, 'impossible' and 'hardcoded' are not present in my vocabulary.
Contact: PM

Lead scripter of the MERP team. I was able to implement Mount & Blade-like combat in Oblivion including horse combat with both sword and spear. I scripted the concept of voice-triggered spell incantations, and am currently working on a castle building simulator mod like the Stronghold series (build a castle with a small settlement anywhere you want in any way or shape you want. Includes dynamic pathgrids). Demonstrations on my youtube channel:
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:02 am

Artist: Architect98
Skills: Level Design, Learning Programming
Interests: Designing Dungeons, Settlements, Quests, Creating Items, Spells, Enchantments, NPCs
Experience: Created a number of small unreleased quests and dungeons meant to blend in with the game world. Created an unreleased weapon realism mod for Fallout 3, and New Vegas
Contact: PM, Archaon98 on steam, and skype
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:26 pm

Name: Maegfaer
Main skills: Scripting and animating
Interests: Advanced scripting, like new/overhauled game mechanics. The crazier the better, 'impossible' and 'hardcoded' are not present in my vocabulary.
Contact: PM

Lead scripter of the MERP team. I was able to implement Mount & Blade-like combat in Oblivion including horse combat with both sword and spear. I scripted the concept of voice-triggered spell incantations, and am currently working on a castle building simulator mod like the Stronghold series (build a castle with a small settlement anywhere you want in any way or shape you want. Includes dynamic pathgrids). Demonstrations on my youtube channel:

You Sir are exactly the person I want to see mod Skyrim. You appear to have the skills to add in the things that I would like to see the most which have been confirmed not to be in the game. If you are willing to attempt the following I would be very thankful:

-Mounted combat (It seemed to me that most people wanted this. I'm still not sure why Bethesda didn't implement it.)
-Throw-able weapons (Such as axes, spears, hammer like Thor's. With flying dragons throw-able weapons seem a no-brainer)
-Navigable ships and boats (This to me just fits the setting. I expected fishing villages, quests based on crossing bodies of water in boats, etc.)

If you're willing to create a tutorial or two after the Creation kit is released and we have a grasp on how things work that would be really appreciated as well. I like to try to tackle or learn how to do these things as well.

Can't wait to see your stronghold like mod :celebration:
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:39 am

Rule 1 killed half my suggestions.

How about digitigrade legs and paws/lizardfeet for the beast races?
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Nichola Haynes
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