List of Modding Artists and Request Thread...

Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:03 am

Greetings boys and girls, It's been some 4-5 years since I was part of a decent modding community (on account of me going off to do my B.A Masters degree) and I think it's high time I returned to the scene with my newly acquired skills in tow ^^

I remember back in the days of Morrowind/Oblivion modding that the most frustrating thing ever was having a great idea for a weapon/set piece but not having the technical skills required to make it yourself, so I propose establishing a thread to showcase any artists in the community that are willing to take requests and/or work on larger scale projects, and also give people a space to post any requests for art they would like to see in general, or require for specific mods.

First things first, we will need to stick to some basic rules to ensure that this thread can reach it's potential and not get banned ^^

Da Rulez!

1: No nudity! - Yes allot of you want various mods for more advlt material etc, but this is not the place to request it, it is one sure-fire way to get the thread blocked so just don't :P

2: Have some originality - As much as we all love some of the iconic scenes/weapons/armours/whatever from numerous other games and movies, please try to keep the ideas original, there is no faster way to lose an artist's interest than a post full of 20 people all crying out for "That sword from FF7!!!" To clarify I'm not saying don't request it, but if you see somebody has already done so and no artist has picked it up, please try not request it again, if you must at least keep it to a simple "+1" ;)

3: Provide reference where possible - If you have a request it is always a good idea to provide reference images/footage/whatever you can get (keeping with forum posting rules ofc). The more reference material an artist has to work with the easier their job, and the better result you can expect

4: Be Nice! - I know this can be asking allot from internet forums XD but seriously, if any artists take take up your request they will be dedicating their valuable spare time to something you requested, for no particular reason other than their love of the modding community. If the final result is not up to your standards don't be a dike about it, try offer some constructive criticism and see if it can be improved. We artists are a sensitive bunch and if you don't want us to turn our backs on you...BE NICE! ^^'

I will try and keep an up to date list of all the artists taking requests here, if you want to be included on the list put up a post introducing yourself and including the information below...

UPDATE: Link to the sister thread on TESNexus Forums


Artist: TheEnemyWithin

Skills: 3D Modelling/Texturing

Interested In: Custom Weapons/shields + Unique environment Assets

Contact on: Forums, Twitter: TheEnemyWithin9, Website:

Artist: Alduiin (Mark).

Skills: Level/Cell design.

Interested In: Small but detailed 'cells', and maybe larger more open areas.

Contact on: Forums.

Experience: I became quite skilled with the GECK from Fallout 3 and with the Creation Engine going to be rather similar I will be able to get quickly aquainted with the engine. I am not the best level designer around but when I have an idea in my head I can usualy recreate it quite accurately using the GECK.

Looking forward to seeing what kind of response we can get ^^

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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:08 am

I might as well get this started by introducing myself ^^'

Artist: TheEnemyWithin

Skills: 3D Modelling/Texturing

Interested In: Custom Weapons/shields + Unique environment Assets

Contact on: Forums, Twitter: TheEnemyWithin9, Website:

I'm currently working on some basic weapons/shields ATM (until we know exactly how the scaling of armour is going to work I think it would be a waste of time to work on armour since it may need to be constructed in a specific way to work in-game).


This is the Behemoth Sledge, based on a MTG weapon of the same name, just the mesh ATM since I have only had about an hour to work on it but I like where it's going ^^


This is my custom "Bright Shield", I always end up playing paladin style characters, and with the new mechanics for torches etc in Skyrim I had the idea of "If it's going to be all dark in the dungeons, I want a shield that will light the way!" So I plan to have the gem in the centre giving off enough light to see in the darkness (and possibly stun undead creatures on a shield bash but we shall see about scripting limitations on release) Again not textured but the mesh is pretty much finalised.

In terms of requests? I'm looking for some more good ideas for unique weapons/shields to make before the release of the mod tools so that I can have a nice weapon pack to mod in (as special weapons are always a great starting/ending point for quests). I'm also interested in any custom small to medium sized environment assets that could be key points of interest or quest items (such as altars/statues/crazy doors to another dimension). So yeah, if you have any requests let me know. ^^

Thanks fer reading!
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:12 am

Nice of you but the game isn't out yet :D so we can not possibly know what the game needs .
I loved your behemoth sledge maybe you should go at for a more mod orriented discussion...
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:17 am

Nice of you but the game isn't out yet :D so we can not possibly know what the game needs .
I loved your behemoth sledge maybe you should go at for a more mod orriented discussion...

Thanks for the feedback ^^

I know the game's not out for a few months yet, but it takes some time to create and organise assets and I always like to get a head start ;)

I'll definitely drop by TESNexus and throw up a post as well, thought I would post here this site is more likely to have people on it who don't have the required skills, whereas the nexus is full of seasoned modders XD
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:48 am

Nice of you but the game isn't out yet :D so we can not possibly know what the game needs .
I loved your behemoth sledge maybe you should go at for a more mod orriented discussion...

creative ideas are usually never 'needed', and it doesnt matter what game it is or when it is released haha
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:13 am

My skills are solely construction set dependent, i.e., scripting, dialogue, dungeon designing, homes, quests, etc. So unfortunately there's nothing I can really do right now or commit to until I get the game. :(
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:26 pm

well I made a nice silver armor concept that I plan on coloring soon

so that will look sick and totally original, so I will be sure to post it soon and all the modders can use it as inspiration to make the silver armor :D
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:09 pm

well I made a nice silver armor concept that I plan on coloring soon

so that will look sick and totally original, so I will be sure to post it soon and all the modders can use it as inspiration to make the silver armor :D

Sounds good, looking forward to seeing it, as I mentioned already I'm holding off making any armour at this stage as we don't know how the scale slider for the character customisation will effect the way in which meshes will need to be constructed, but post anything you have for inspiration ^^
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:40 am

So if you're a 3d artist actively looking for 3d model requests... wow, this is a rare opportunity, I think.

Anyway, something that is both guaranteed to not be in the game, but that I'm guaranteed to love would be a
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u gone see
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:31 am

I'm pretty interested in taking part in this. I'm an illustrator, mostly interested in doing some character and creature concepting. I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but this would be a pretty great opportunity to have some real growth on my part. I also have minor experience working in 3d if its needed.

My website is temporarily down (because I need to get paid) and is still somewhat under construction anyway, but that is located at:

Alternatively you can see a few things that are mostly works in progress here:
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Code Affinity
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:01 am

So if you're a 3d artist actively looking for 3d model requests... wow, this is a rare opportunity, I think.

Anyway, something that is both guaranteed to not be in the game, but that I'm guaranteed to love would be a

It's fairly rare...Despite what you may think, in most creative industries you spend allot of your day being told what to make for when, so allot of the people I now would rather make their own stuff in any spare time they have (or make nothing at all XD) but I figure it's about time I gave something back to the community ^^

As for the DaDao, looks simple enough, I shall endeavour to model it tonight when I get back from work. ;)

I'm pretty interested in taking part in this. I'm an illustrator, mostly interested in doing some character and creature concepting. I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but this would be a pretty great opportunity to have some real growth on my part. I also have minor experience working in 3d if its needed.

My website is temporarily down (because I need to get paid) and is still somewhat under construction anyway, but that is located at:

Alternatively you can see a few things that are mostly works in progress here:

Looks like some decent stuff, would you like me to add you to the list? Also have you considered doing some texture painting? It's a good way to get into making assets that are actually in the final product (rather than concept stuff) and looks like you know your way around a drawing package or two, so I don't think you'd have any trouble ^^
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:13 am

Looks like some decent stuff, would you like me to add you to the list? Also have you considered doing some texture painting? It's a good way to get into making assets that are actually in the final product (rather than concept stuff) and looks like you know your way around a drawing package or two, so I don't think you'd have any trouble ^^

Sounds good to me dude.And yeah I'm down to try some texture work. Just another thing to learn and utilize for future projects. I'll send you my email a little later.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:49 pm

So if you're a 3d artist actively looking for 3d model requests... wow, this is a rare opportunity, I think.

Anyway, something that is both guaranteed to not be in the game, but that I'm guaranteed to love would be a

One DaDao as requested ^^ Not sure about the width of the blade TBH it came out a bit more slender than anticipated...what do you think?


can't seem to get images to embed on this forum :S am I doin it wrong? XD
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:22 pm

Artist: Alduiin (Mark).

Skills: Level/Cell design.

Interested In: Small but detailed 'cells', and maybe larger more open areas.

Contact on: Forums.

Experience: I became quite skilled with the GECK from Fallout 3 and with the Creation Engine going to be rather similar I will be able to get quickly aquainted with the engine. I am not the best level designer around but when I have an idea in my head I can usualy recreate it quite accurately using the GECK.
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:34 am

I think a good idea would be to create some outfits which reflect each races homeland, like having Wood Elves wear thin cloth and stuff. Have Nords wear thick fur clothes. Do you get what I mean? so create a clothing line unique to each race. This sounded way better in my head haha
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:41 am

One DaDao as requested ^^ Not sure about the width of the blade TBH it came out a bit more slender than anticipated...what do you think?


can't seem to get images to embed on this forum :S am I doin it wrong? XD

I'm pretty sure image embedding has been broken / disabled on this forum forever. At least since I joined (around OB's release)

Anyway, thank you very much! Sometimes, honestly, it just freaks me out, what you artistic types can do. It's like you have some magical "cool looking stuff" gland from which you secrete things which, experience has taught me, certainly cannot be produced with these clumsy tools we call hands and (in your case) computers.

As for my comments, of course, I think it looks excellent. I feel like you might have been channeling just a bit of the typical fantasy / adventure story portrayal of the general big single-edged curved sword archetype, while staying true to the reference material I provided. You struck an excellent balance of style and accuracy. I can notice some tiny things that deviate slightly from the way real-world examples are constructed, but I think they all pretty much consist of changing less-visually appealing aspects forced onto the weapon by real life restraints. For example, the brass crossguard on a physical dadao will typically extend about an inch down over the hilt, and a half inch over the blade, to keep it firmly in place. This is a much-appreciated detail on a weapon made of matter, but on a 3-D model, I think it looks better without the awkwardly raised regions. When it comes to blade width, I think you got it right. The blade starts off just a wee bit wider than the hilt, which is exactly what you want with this type of sword. Make it much wider, and the blade can snap or bend off the tang. But you still want it wider than the the hilt/tang, to enable the particular wielding style of these blades. All in all, this was an excellent and praiseworthy job. You did awesomefantastically. Thank you so much.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:00 am

Anyway, thank you very much! Sometimes, honestly, it just freaks me out, what you artistic types can do. It's like you have some magical "cool looking stuff" gland from which you secrete things which, experience has taught me, certainly cannot be produced with these clumsy tools we call hands and (in your case) computers.

Haha! I wish I had this magic gland you speak of, would have saved me a fortune in 5years worth of University bills XD Glad you like the sword, I might throw on the cross-guard extending up the blade a bit and post it for comparison, just to see what looks better. I think the cross guard on the blade may be a decent opportunity to texture on some form of embellishment in the form of a carving or symbol etc (since the design of the blade is fairly simplistic) but we shall see what it turn out like ^^

I think a good idea would be to create some outfits which reflect each races homeland, like having Wood Elves wear thin cloth and stuff. Have Nords wear thick fur clothes. Do you get what I mean? so create a clothing line unique to each race. This sounded way better in my head haha

I really like this idea, it could make for a rather sweet mod "Ancestral Armours" Give the player a chance to go on a quest to acquire some ancient ancestors armour. The armour when worn could even enhance their race specific abilities or add similarly themed ones (so an ancient wood elf armour may reduce the cool-down of the control animal racial, or give them a permanent ancestral spirit pet etc.)

I definitely think there is a good but simple mod to be made there, Personally I'd still be unwilling to work on any armour sets extensively until we know about this whole body slider thing and how it will effect armour modding etc, but it definitely sounds like it could be a fun project to work on ^^.

Any other requests?/artists wanting in on the action?
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:42 am

Isn't this forum rated M now?
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:21 am

One DaDao as requested ^^ Not sure about the width of the blade TBH it came out a bit more slender than anticipated...what do you think?


can't seem to get images to embed on this forum :S am I doin it wrong? XD

how'd you learn to do that? and what program do you use?
I'm trying to get into modeling, and am currently screwing around with the blade of a skyrim-style glass katana I'm trying to model :teehee:
In blender btw, if that makes a difference
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April D. F
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:06 am

Pretty much from the moment I heard about Skyrim, I put plans in the works to revive my old "From the Void" project, tying White Senches (TES3 mod) into the established lore. Given that Skyrim is set 200 years after Oblivion... eh, the storyline took a lot of tweaking. I imagine there's several in-game books I'll need to catch up on to ensure I'm not significantly bending or breaking any "official" lore while weaving them in.

But yeah, for anyone that remembers my ancient Morrowind work, White Senches and Void Gear are making a return for TES5.
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:48 pm

Haha! I wish I had this magic gland you speak of, would have saved me a fortune in 5years worth of University bills XD Glad you like the sword, I might throw on the cross-guard extending up the blade a bit and post it for comparison, just to see what looks better. I think the cross guard on the blade may be a decent opportunity to texture on some form of embellishment in the form of a carving or symbol etc (since the design of the blade is fairly simplistic) but we shall see what it turn out like ^^

Pssh. Just because Tony Stark had to learn to make the iron man suit doesn't change that flying around like that is clearly magic. I've always suspected there was something suspicious going on at university health clinics anyway.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:10 pm

Isn't this forum rated M now?

Not sure tbh, but I'd rather play it safe ^^

how'd you learn to do that? and what program do you use?
I'm trying to get into modeling, and am currently screwing around with the blade of a skyrim-style glass katana I'm trying to model :teehee:
In blender btw, if that makes a difference

The program I am using atm is Autodesk MAYA, as for how I learned to do that? As mentioned above...5 years of university in a games design course XD

Pretty much from the moment I heard about Skyrim, I put plans in the works to revive my old "From the Void" project, tying White Senches (TES3 mod) into the established lore. Given that Skyrim is set 200 years after Oblivion... eh, the storyline took a lot of tweaking. I imagine there's several in-game books I'll need to catch up on to ensure I'm not significantly bending or breaking any "official" lore while weaving them in.

But yeah, for anyone that remembers my ancient Morrowind work, White Senches and Void Gear are making a return for TES5.

Sounds cool ^^
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:48 pm

Pssh. Just because Tony Stark had to learn to make the iron man suit doesn't change that flying around like that is clearly magic. I've always suspected there was something suspicious going on at university health clinics anyway.

Haha, well I don't remember any university health clinics per-say...but then again I do remember blacking out a few times after a night of drinking to wake up in strange places a day later...maybe I was experimented on after all XD
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:36 am

Added the cross-guard to the blade, It does give the weapon a bit more detail and I like the idea of some engravings etc on it as mentioned (anything you want on there to personalise it?)

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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:16 am

That looks awesome. I have a bunch of ideas for inscriptions (all icelandic magical staves), I'm guessing that if you used all / most of them, it'd probably be massively overcrowded. is part of a ritual to summon evil / wicked spirits, and could maybe fit on / around the crossguard? is a protective symbol. Again, I think it might fit around the crossguard. is to induce fear. Rotate 90 deg left or right and have it run down the blade? were to be used with a whetstone to promote sharpness. One on either side of the base of the blade? were used to give you clear purpose. Two on each side of the blade, running down? were supposed to generate a sort of anti-magic field. Perhaps the same pattern as I suggested for the above?

Of course, some of those might have to be neatened up / simplified / whatever. Or you could add a fuller (channel running down the flat of the blade, sometimes called a 'blood groove'), or, of course, anything that you think looks cool.
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