I remember back in the days of Morrowind/Oblivion modding that the most frustrating thing ever was having a great idea for a weapon/set piece but not having the technical skills required to make it yourself, so I propose establishing a thread to showcase any artists in the community that are willing to take requests and/or work on larger scale projects, and also give people a space to post any requests for art they would like to see in general, or require for specific mods.
First things first, we will need to stick to some basic rules to ensure that this thread can reach it's potential and not get banned ^^
Da Rulez!
1: No nudity! - Yes allot of you want various mods for more advlt material etc, but this is not the place to request it, it is one sure-fire way to get the thread blocked so just don't
2: Have some originality - As much as we all love some of the iconic scenes/weapons/armours/whatever from numerous other games and movies, please try to keep the ideas original, there is no faster way to lose an artist's interest than a post full of 20 people all crying out for "That sword from FF7!!!" To clarify I'm not saying don't request it, but if you see somebody has already done so and no artist has picked it up, please try not request it again, if you must at least keep it to a simple "+1"
3: Provide reference where possible - If you have a request it is always a good idea to provide reference images/footage/whatever you can get (keeping with forum posting rules ofc). The more reference material an artist has to work with the easier their job, and the better result you can expect
4: Be Nice! - I know this can be asking allot from internet forums XD but seriously, if any artists take take up your request they will be dedicating their valuable spare time to something you requested, for no particular reason other than their love of the modding community. If the final result is not up to your standards don't be a dike about it, try offer some constructive criticism and see if it can be improved. We artists are a sensitive bunch and if you don't want us to turn our backs on you...BE NICE! ^^'
I will try and keep an up to date list of all the artists taking requests here, if you want to be included on the list put up a post introducing yourself and including the information below...
UPDATE: Link to the sister thread on TESNexus Forums http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/430642-list-of-modding-artists-and-request-thread/page__st__10__gopid__3570891#entry3570891
Artist: TheEnemyWithin
Skills: 3D Modelling/Texturing
Interested In: Custom Weapons/shields + Unique environment Assets
Contact on: Forums, Twitter: TheEnemyWithin9, Website: http://gamesindustryorbust.wordpress.com/
Artist: Alduiin (Mark).
Skills: Level/Cell design.
Interested In: Small but detailed 'cells', and maybe larger more open areas.
Contact on: Forums.
Experience: I became quite skilled with the GECK from Fallout 3 and with the Creation Engine going to be rather similar I will be able to get quickly aquainted with the engine. I am not the best level designer around but when I have an idea in my head I can usualy recreate it quite accurately using the GECK.
Looking forward to seeing what kind of response we can get ^^