I just wanted to mention: if anyone is interested in working on a compatibility patch between ZuSkunks' overhaul and WEPON, I'd be open to assisting. That said, to honor the other two WEPON authors' wishes, only elements from the ESP file of WEPON could be used, and the SI Overhaul could reference meshes+textures that install with WEPON. In other words, any compatibility patch between the two would need to be dependent on a WEPON installation.
How would one go about this? I assume it is very complicated, since it would require changing all references to matrixes, enchantments, the weapons themselves, dialogues... Zu also adds a staff to the weapon sets.
I think it would be easier to users of both mods to simply use the non-SI version of WEPON (which I'm doing) and make a MOBS or OMOBS patch for Zu's mod (which would be very time consuming since there a a lot of weapons, but TES4Edit has a weapon spreadsheet which is perfect for this kind of thing. I stopped using weapon stat rebalance mods so as not to worry about that kind of thing again, and instead use Duke Patrick's combat mod which sets weapons stats on the fly with a script)
On another note, I changed all uses of SameFaction to a check for GetInFaction (so a dark seducer won't attack someone in the SEDarkSeducerfFaction, etc), but frankly I wish Zu had used a simple script effect abiliti/es added to the actors he needed to tweak instead of tweaking every script for the same lines of code... too late to change that now since the mod was done the way it was done, and I'm never again changing the base design of a mod this big (last time I tried it didn't end well... *cough*
I was also unable to replicate the crash you were having after Jyggalag is gone, everything is fine in the savegame you passed after playing it for some time. Which is not good, since I have no clue how to fix it!