The weapons all have attachments some are different from other weapons
Sub machine gun
K-Volt - Electrostatic Pellet Gun
Assault Rifles
Jackal - Semi Auto Shotgun
Marshall - Pump Action Shotgun
Dsg-1 - Semi Auto
M20 14 Gauss - Electromagnetic Anti-Material Rifle
Mk.60 Mod 0 - Medium Machine Gun
L-Tag - Launcher Tactical Airburst Gernades
X-43 Mike - Microwave Incendiary Klystron Emitter
M12 Nova - Semi-Auto
Hammer - Heavy Semi AUto
Majestic - Revolver
Ay69 (Err... who named this gun) - Machine Pistol
M 17 Frag
M34 Flash
Jaw - Joint anti tank weapon (I'm curious to why this is the description ... does this mean there will be tanks?)
Perks/Suit Modules
The suit modules all have a upgradeable version and advanced upgrade version.
Air Stomp - Perform a powerful downwards attack when in the air
Proximity Alarm - Automatic Warning when enemy is nearby
Armor Enhance - Reduce drain speed of energy while in armor mode
Threat Tracer - Highlights incoming bullet paths
Nano Recharge - Faster Health Recharge
Detonation Delay - Delays detonation of nearby enemy nades
Energy Transfer - Restore 50 Percent Energy with each kill
Stealth Enhance - Faster transition in and out of stealth
Stealth Enhance Upgrade- + Removes Shadow while Cloaked
Covert Ops - Suppresses the sound of footsteps (Probably your own)
Cloak Tracker - Identifies when enemies enter stealth mode nearby
Jammer - Scrambles the radar of enemies within 10m Range
Blind spot - Protection from Maximum radar bonus [Is that jammer?]
Tracker - Highlight enemy routes [Probably footsteps]
Visor Enhance - Highlight enemies through weapon scopes
Side pack - Allows additional magazine of primary ammunition to be carried
Weapon pro - Faster Reload
Aim Enhance - Decrease weapon recoil when aiming down sights
Aim Enhance Upgrade- +Reduces flinching (Something like that i don't remember the exact description sorry)
Loadout Pro - Allows an additional primary weapon to be carried in place of a secondary
Rapid Fire - Faster fire rate on primary weapons
Point Fire Enhance - Reduce spread of primary when firing from the hip
Mobility Enhance - Reduce energy drain when sprinting or jumping
Retriever - Automaticly collect dog tags from fallen enemies (See this isn't rigged because there's much better perks here
Please leave a comment if i missed something
I don't know the upgraded versions so fill me in if you know what they do
There's also some kind of assessment thing i'm not sure what that is for either