* Built to Destroy - 3% chance to critical hit with all weapons, but their condition decays 15% faster.
* Fast Shot - You fire 20% faster when using guns and energy weapons, but shots are 20% less accurate.
* Four Eyes - Bonus to Perception while wearing glasses, but negatively impacts perception when not wearing them.
* Good Natured - Bonus to Speech and Barter skills, but decreases ability with weapons.
* Heavy Handed - Melee and unarmed attacks do more damage, but damage from critical hits is reduced.
* Kamikaze - Bonus 10 Action Points, but -2 to Damage Threshold.
* Loose Cannon - Thrown weapons are 30% faster, but have 25% less range.
* Small Frame - Bonus to Agility, but limbs break more easily.
* Trigger Discipline - Guns and energy weapons are 20% more accurate, but are 20% slower.
* Wild Wasteland - Adds humorous random encounters to the game.
If I am playing a Guns, Repair and Survival character in hardcoe, which two should I choose?
My thoughts:
* Built to Destroy - Useful, and repair offsets the degradation. However, 3% is a smaller bonus than I'd like.
* Fast Shot - Could be excellent late game, if maxing Guns is enough to offset the accuracy penalty.
* Four Eyes - Assuming +1 Per, I'd prefer Small Frame, as it's less restrictive.
* Good Natured - Not going the non-combat route, so this is out.
* Heavy Handed - Opting for ranged combat, so this is out.
* Kamikaze - High on my list, but being unsure about how significant a penalty to DT -2 is makes me nervous.
* Loose Cannon - Focusing on guns means this is out.
* Small Frame - High on my list, but the combination of not investing in Medicine and hardcoe mode make me want to avoid it.
* Trigger Discipline - Seems like it would be more useful early on, I'm more concerned with late game performance.
* Wild Wasteland - Will pick it on a late playthrough, but for now this is out.
Your thoughts?