A list of types of ruins that could have been easily made

Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:09 am

Its kinda sad taht there is not a variety in ruins, it would be really easy for beth to create, all it would take is just a bit of creativity.

Underground old cities - Like old mournhodl with crumbling rocks and lots of vines and creepers on the buildings

More Darkbrotherhood sanctuaries - Like how the morag tong had like 10 guilds in morrowind, all which were really effing kewl. They even said there were many guilds in cyrodill.

Bandit Camps - not a single tent like a huge camp with a wooden wall and multiple tents, and the ring leader could have his big tent with lots of loot.

Monastaries - Only one was really seen outside the chorrol, it would be cool to find these monastaries in remote locations as reststops for wayward pilgrims.

Mousuleums and Graveyards - Outside the town

More interesting sewers like tribunual, i tried exploring the imperial city sewers and they were pretty effing boring

Haunted Towns

Drug Plantations

For morrowind it would be cool to have huge burial mounds, like an island with multiple interconnecting tombs and maybe an undercity like the burial mound but with traders and stuff.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:52 pm

That would be great to see more diversity through all those things. I especially like the Bandit Camp idea.

This should be in the mod forum. I'm gonna browse TESnexus, see if theres any good ones. Anyone have suggestions?
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:01 pm

More Darkbrotherhood sanctuaries - Like how the morag tong had like 10 guilds in morrowind, all which were really effing kewl. They even said there were many guilds in cyrodill.

And by 10, you mean 4.

Plus, since Moon Sugar comes from Elsweyr, It'd be unlikely to see plantations in Cyrodiil unless they're right on the boarder.
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:32 am

Well what ever you catch my drift, i got so annoyed returning to the same damn hole for my dark brotherhood quests, then i had no hole to go to, then i go to the same damn hole again, this time its empty.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:38 am

well, Beth left us to do it ourselves (:
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michael danso
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:23 pm

Bandit Camps - not a single tent like a huge camp with a wooden wall and multiple tents, and the ring leader could have his big tent with lots of loot.

Is my brain the only one who's shouting FABLE (the lost chapters)! when they read this?
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Jason King
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:22 pm

Is my brain the only one who's shouting FABLE (the lost chapters)! when they read this?

Thats exactly what i thought. Fable has such cool bandit camps, if we had something like Twinblades camp that would be awesome.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:40 am

Just go onto TESnexus and download stuff, or make your own dungeons that are so creative in TESCS
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Jon O
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:30 pm

Its kinda sad taht there is not a variety in ruins, it would be really easy for beth to create, all it would take is just a bit of creativity.

There is plenty of variety. Look beyond the loot next time.

and the ring leader could have his big tent with lots of loot

You've never seen the camps such as Double Decker, have you? They're not on your map, but that's no excuse. They exist.

More Darkbrotherhood sanctuaries - Like how the morag tong had like 10 guilds in morrowind

The Morag Tong is legal. The Dark Brotherhood is not.

Outside the town

Skingrad and the Waterfront District.

Underground old cities

Have you played the tutorial?

Monastaries - Only one was really seen outside the chorrol, it would be cool to find these monastaries in remote locations as reststops for wayward pilgrims.

Gottlesfont Priory, Temple of the Ancestor Moths, etc.

Drug Plantations

The Renrijra Krin brings whatever amount of skooma the people of Cyrodiil need from Elsweyr.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:31 am

Well what ever you catch my drift, i got so annoyed returning to the same damn hole for my dark brotherhood quests, then i had no hole to go to, then i go to the same damn hole again, this time its empty.

Correct me if im wrong, but I thought since Lucien recruits you, you have only his ''sanctuary'' to visit since the other 3 are led by each of the members of the black hand respectively. So they are still the same organization but your recruited to be part of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary not the other three.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:03 pm

Correct me if im wrong, but I thought since Lucien recruits you, you have only his ''sanctuary'' to visit since the other 3 are led by each of the members of the black hand respectively. So they are still the same organization but your recruited to be part of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary not the other three.

svcks that they wont make any more expansions or DLCs for oblivion.. DLC that gives access to all 3 would be cool, like the other 2 needs help in the final battle against some royal gang or family or something and you can choose your side and either become highest rank of DB or Honor Knight for that royal thing, both accessing great wealth and housing and stuff.. That'd be great..
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:46 pm

Bandit Camps - not a single tent like a huge camp with a wooden wall and multiple tents, and the ring leader could have his big tent with lots of loot.

Rock Milk Cave is pretty close, especially in the last chamber.

Monastaries - Only one was really seen outside the chorrol, it would be cool to find these monastaries in remote locations as reststops for wayward pilgrims.

There's the Temple of the Ancestor Moths

Mousuleums and Graveyards - Outside the town

There's the huge one in Green Emporer Way, one outside New Sheoth, Skingrad, Waterfront and lots of little ruined ones out in the wilderness. Some are even inside caves.

Drug Plantations

Skooma house in Bravil.

Gallowglass listed a lot that you should check out.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:18 am

i wish i could buy a house in the woods for my wood elf
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:36 pm

A project I did took a REAL month or so, but it was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!! :)
What I did was to build a temple myself, by duplicatin stone bricks (found in vilverin) and actually made a giant temple. (I got some help from a friend and inspiration from someone i saw when not being a member) But recently i checked back in the gold coast and i found a ruin... :swear: The combat music turned on, i saw a piece of temple breaking, a mud crab came... "YOU STUPID MUD CRAB I STAB YOU WHEN YOU ARE DEAD FIRST REBUILD MY TEMPLE YOU ***** SO GET GOING IT HAS TO BE FINSIHED TOMORROW YOU ******* ***** AND THE MINICHEST SHALL BE ******* FINISHED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:42 am

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Brian Newman
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:14 am

:blink: This thread was over a year old....
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Robert DeLarosa
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