My List:
- No More Uglies
- Realicst Feel To The Movment
- entry to houses through windows
- the camera not above the head
- free running
- alot better guard system
- alot better sneak system EX: if they see me then I hide behind the they should know im there
- ablity to kill a guard w/o the whole world knowning
- better stealing items
- stealth kill animation like in blackops
- better sniper support ex: able to climb trees or go on ALL roof tops
- ablity to climb
- more factions
- better quests
- ablity to join the guards and send people to jail (even if they didn't do anything
- real handcuffs (you would have to unlock this before you could unlock any thing else
- pets
- ninja abiltys like rolling free running and climbing all at once (like assassin's creed)
- more replabilty overall
- toggle night vision for cats
- grappeling hook to climb alot easyer (similar to the skeleton key but not as over powered)
- better first person (camera a little below the head so you get an effect similar to mirrows edge
- for people to think your in a group by what you wear, ex: dark brotherhood, guards, and so on.
- ability to look at your self in 3rd person
- a 3rd person like fable
- alot bigger cities and towns
- hard core mode
- ablity to hang from things (like assassin creed
- non leved everything (everything is its own level [they don't level up with you] )
- start a buiness with people
- create your own faction
- carriages
- bust controller for girls
- ablity to gift things to npcs
- ablity to reverse pickpocket even if its heavy (increases chance of getting caught)
- ablity to get addicted
- better attacking animations ex: getting your sword stuck in their body thus making you loose that item untill you loot them or kill them (only for non- essiensails
- when you kill someone you can watch a day later people carry the body away.
- ablity to effect the economy
- ablity to knock on door
- if you go insomes ones house during the day or night and they didn't allow you to come in it counts a tresspass
thats all i can think for now, sorry about the spelling