Ohai thar. I really like this mod, a LOT, but there are some incompatibilities with Scorn's Vampirism, which you can find http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1561. Actually, Scorn has ceased active work on his mod, so you should definitely contact him and ask about merging his plugin with yours. It would save you a lot of work, and you two have the best vamp mods I've seen. Scorn's mod has the "feeding on dead people" thing already worked out, and has a "vampire level-up" system as well. The incompatibilities I mentioned are the results of both of you having "Conceal Nature"-type things and "Vampire Senses"-type things. The game is still playable, but I'm annoyed because every time I feed on a sleeping person, my character's gorgeous face gets messed up. :facepalm: But anyway, I definitely recommend you ask Scorn if he'd be okay with you implementing his mod. With full compatibility between his mod and yours, the results would be undeniably awesome.

(Also, nothing personal, but I prefer Scorn's vamp senses and conceal nature--they feel much more natural IMHO).
So, aside from you borrowing Scorn's system (really, look into that, it's a perfect compliment to yours), here are a few other ideas:
1. Separated Night Eye and Life Detection. Yes, vamp senses are cool, but they don't always work together--sometimes I need to detect my prey in well-lit areas.

You could call the Night Eye effect "Vampiric Sight" and the Detect Life "Vampiric Smell."
2. I totally jacked this one from http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=771, a Morrowind classic. Instead of straight hypnosis (the "look into my eyes" thing), you could do a "victims and thralls" system. For instance, you COULD beat the NPC to the ground and force him/her to follow you, or you could seduce them over a period of days into becoming your willing minion, and eventually a vampire themselves.
3. A proofreader. No offense, but your grammar is a bit... erm... lacking.

If you like, I'll be completely willing to do this for you. In fact, if you need anything written, I can oblige--a readme, that vampire skills book, whatever. Just let me know by posting in this thread, it'll send me an e-mail. ^.^
4. Getting rid of auto-sun damage, or at least having an option to toggle it (as a cheat or for RP value, etc). It's annoying as HELL to have it on all the time.
...and that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll think of some other stuff later.

*rushes off to go play your mod*