Yeah, that's the reason I only ever used it once. It was fun for awhile.. but after a bit I got extremely annoyed of every single creature exploding into goo bits. . I also wonder how annoying that could be with the new pop-up type looting system. If there's tiny pieces of a guy all over the place.. does each bit of that guy show an inventory pop-up? If you shoot a bunch of guys into a big pile of goo bits will it just become popup hell?
Always take feedback with a grain of salt and build the character you want to build....
Here's my take:
It might be best to try to build your character not relying on finding bobbly heads. If you rely on them you might not be able to get some of those perks until really late in the game and if you miss one.. well then your whole build is shot. You're not going to really want to make something like Demolition Expert totally dependent on finding a bobble head probably.
Moving Target: If you are relying on guns, you probably won't really need this perk since it only effects you when you sprint.. You won't be needing to close any gaps to get to your target and It would only maybe be useful if you needed to sprint away because you were gravely injured. Wouldn't be much use at all in close quarters.
Toughness:.. I have no idea yet. HP's have never been anything I ever needed to worry about in past Fallout games. I'd use this as a stand by perk.. only taking it after you've played a while and then taking it only if you find yourself dying in every single combat situation.
Medic is another one that could accidentally make you OP.
Quick Hands is another one that I'm completely unsure if it's ever going to be necessary.. I mean, how fast do you have to reload for it to actually matter?
I would probably make something like
S 7
P 5
E 3
C 1
I 6
A 5
L 1
I'd substitute Action boy for moving target and at an early level (since you level faster at the beginning of the game) go ahead an stick a point in Endurance so you can gain access to Chem Resistant. This build would also allow you instant access to the Steady Aim and Demolition Expert perk.