Here's link:
But there are two bigger bits whole in polish so I poorly translated them for you guys. Naturally this is translated from polish to english so the final version you will hear while playing Skyrim in english will be slightly different. First is presumably a Greybeard speaking to Dovahkiin:
7:35 - "For centuries I've been teaching the path of Voice, and Thu'um even longer. No, Dovahkiin others do not come for the knowledge anymore. You're the first one since over hundred years. I think about Rotulak [? - or something that sounds alike], the words of power, I teach how to use them. That's enough for them. In your language it means 'termination'. Mortals learn this word faster than gods. All things mortal terminate, leaving only the soul. Meditate on meaning of the soul. [8:16 no idea, something in ancient language]. When fragile body is wiped away by the gears of time, the soul lasts."
Keep in mind that this may be not a whole speech but pieces of dialogs.
And this one is kind of large spoiler because that's what is said to the player after he/she finishes main quest and is free roam the world on his/her own. It reveals whether we defeat Alduin in the end or not.
9:45 - "So, it's done. But maybe it was worth it. You have managed to show your might in both voice and your actions. To defeat Alduin you have managed to master a terrifying weapon. Now it is up to you what will you do with your power and skills."