All you get is this little sentence:
**If you haven't done a House playthrough, open at your own discretion!** Seriously though? After ALL I did for Mr.House, all my scheming of how to remove the BoS without getting erased for existence, for that? Where is some of the detail? As a whole, I enjoyed my results of my House Playthrough don't get me wrong. But I'm just peeved that I sided with my favorite faction, just to get one little line. The writing itself is good, but just a little short in my opinion. Mr. House's Securitron army took control of Hoover Dam and The Strip, pushing both the Legion and the exhausted NCR out of New Vegas. Mr. House continued to run New Vegas his way, a despotic vision of Pre-War glory. The streets were orderly, efficient, cold. New Vegas continued to be the sole place in the wasteland where fortunes were won and lost in the blink of an eye.
Does anyone agree? Were the faction endings too short? Am I just rambling? I am speaking in the moment, so I may not make sense. Excuse me if I don't.