I'm a little disappointed.

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:42 am

I feel that throughout the game, whichever faction you are in, they are all "Blaaaaah. Blahblah blah blah importantblah Blaaaaaah blah blahblah blahblah blah". At the end of the game, your now victorious faction says "Blaaaaah." and in the end cutscene, it's just "Blah." I did my Mr.House playthrough for the very first time this week, although I intended for him to be my first back in October LOL. We had good conversations during my travels, and at Hoover Dam, he said some stuff. At the movie theatre, Ron the Narrator barely went into any detail whatsoever what happened. Yes, we get to know the fate of our precious Arcade ( <3 you, I'll send some sunscreen your way as a way of saying sorry for not siding with Yes Man!) but there is little detail at all exactly what happens. House is in power, but what now?

All you get is this little sentence:
Mr. House's Securitron army took control of Hoover Dam and The Strip, pushing both the Legion and the exhausted NCR out of New Vegas. Mr. House continued to run New Vegas his way, a despotic vision of Pre-War glory. The streets were orderly, efficient, cold. New Vegas continued to be the sole place in the wasteland where fortunes were won and lost in the blink of an eye.
**If you haven't done a House playthrough, open at your own discretion!** Seriously though? After ALL I did for Mr.House, all my scheming of how to remove the BoS without getting erased for existence, for that? Where is some of the detail? As a whole, I enjoyed my results of my House Playthrough don't get me wrong. But I'm just peeved that I sided with my favorite faction, just to get one little line. The writing itself is good, but just a little short in my opinion.

Does anyone agree? Were the faction endings too short? Am I just rambling? I am speaking in the moment, so I may not make sense. Excuse me if I don't.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:34 am

This is why I wanted to play NV after the ending slideshow. Whether it be like Broken Steel, or just a main continuation.

Just to see how exactly my decisions affected the wasteland.

Having the Slideshow say Caesers Legion blahed all over the wasteland with their growing blah and decided to blah so people would blah their blahs with a big sloppy blah doesnt help. I want to actively see that and do missions pertaining to what happened after Hoover Dam.

Like...i dont know. maybe you could further "Join" the NCR/Legion and do more missions.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:12 am

Especially Caesar's.
We never got to see what the synthesis fully was.

So I wish that the major factions' part would be at minimum five times as long as they currently was.
Sure it'd be a lot of text/audio but it could explains in somewhat detail what the hell actually happens.
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