True, that could easily happen but also need to assume that these guys are guards of some sort or just warriors of some kind trained how to fight and react in a situation like that. They where not just weekend hikers camping out roasting marshmallows on an open fire.
One game I can think of that had this sort of AI was Far Cry 2.

One game I can think of that had this sort of AI was Far Cry 2.
I've never thought of bandits as guards or warriors, just people who happened to pick up a weapon and know how to swing it. Even a trained warrior could be totally thrown off by their friend suddenly dying in the middle of conversation right before their eyes.
but if one NPC is acting like that all NPC will act like that...
so i hope they will fix the AI
so i hope they will fix the AI
Maybe, but not necessarily. Certainly not every NPC acted the same in Oblivion, they had courage statistics which determined whether or not they would run away in a fight. I don't think it would be hard to implement different behaviors in those types of situations using that same type of system. One person might stand there in disbelief, while another might run away, while yet another will react quickly and seek combat.