Lets face it, if that was you and your friend just took an arrow to the head in front of you, are you gunna just stand there like a mindless idiot? Hell no! Your gunna at the very least take cover and grab a weapon if not try and hunt this a$$ hole down that just killed your buddy! And if you have fellow combatants near by your gunna call for help too. Also, from that close of range your gunna hear in what direction the arrow was fired from too.(to realistic? Maybe)
Is this a game breaker for me? No way! But I think the AI could be smarter in situations like that. Adds realism and makes it more challenging to engage multiple enemy's. Forcing the player to actually THINK before he mindlessly attacks his/her enemy's. Gives the player the opportunity to set traps and even use the terrain to his/her benefit maybe in such a way that you can pick off your enemy's as they come after you.
Bottom line is I would like to see smart AI not stupid mindless idiots. Not saying they aint smart but a little smarter then what I seen would be awesome. :wink_smile:
PS Yes, I can be picky!