So far, I think my tentative rankings (with minimal
Skyrim experience) goes as follows:
- Daggerfall - Easily the best. The most-ambitious of the entire series, it had one of the most open worlds around, as well as the most content, and the best flexibility. It definitely managed to get all the GOOD elements of a "Rogue-like" RPG in there, that leant it a level of replayability that later games failed to match to. (star signs, I'm looking at you!) The fact that it didn't come out on consoles doesn't disqualify it.
- Morrowind - This takes a solid second-place. Sure, many like it most, but I think that's mostly because it was their first experience, and the exhaustive array of mods available for the game. Stripping the mod content, the game is still pretty solid, albeit has some more irritating features, and felt a bit clunky in handling.
- Skyrim - So far, it actually looks like gamesas managed to fix many of its prior game's shortcomings WITHOUT massively overcompensating to the point where the net result was actually worse. Though it still has some problems with further "dumbing-down" here, between the magic system and yet ANOTHER cut of skill counts.
- Oblivion - This game was a disappointment for me on so many levels. Almost as if a cruel joke, the developers heard "more things like Daggerfall," and followed... But mostly picked irrelevant elements, things that Morrowind actually improved upon, or did them poorly. (mounts + horse armor - mounted combat, I'm looking at you) Tack on the horrific PC interface, and yet a lot of "dumbing it down," and the game never lived up to what it claimed to be.
- Arena - I'll admit I didn't care for the game that much. I do hold that it was the one that started it all, though most of the more familiar elements (including those that'd get dumbed-down but retain fame) would actually originate in Daggerfall. All in all this game actually felt a bit too repetitive. The Passwall and associated spells are fun, though... But just for a bit.
We think alike. I really need to play more daggerfall because I haven't played it much, so currently I go with Morrowind. I love skyrim for the smoothness, but I agree with the "dumbing-down." I think for me why i still like MW a bit more, is that skyrim's quest line's feel too short/easy, and that the game, for me, lacks the same pure variety of game play. I do acknowledge the duel-wielding system is awesome and adds a lot to the game, as well as other things. I love Skyrim, but I do feel more limited in some regards, and even playing on a higher difficulty makes doesn't make the game seem all much more challenging for me.
I would like to counter-point myself and say for one, that I sometimes think the illusion that modern games are easy is because technology allows the gameplay to be smoother/easier and more natural feeling then older games. So sometimes I wonder if this is a contributing factor or not to why some new games feel easier.
I still think Skyrim is an incredibly brilliant and awesome game. For some people (like myself) I think immense variety and a pure vastness to the game are what I really enjoy. I also love in MW how foreign and bizzare the land felt to me. There are some moments of that for me in Skyrim, but not to the same degree.
This is all just my own opinion of course though! GOGOValenwood/Elsweyr/Black Marsh for TES VI !!! (Couldn't resist sorry)