I agree to an extent, and disagree to an extent.
First, yea the school should have punished the bullies and teach them what they did is completely unnacceptable. True. And yes, a woman who is [censored] is never to blame. It's called [censored] for a reason.
However, this isn't exactly new with schools. For instance, if your car is robbed or stolen and they find out you left the door unlocked, they're going to treat it as though it was your fault, at least here in South Carolina as far as insurance goes. And the college will say the same thing so they aren't held liable.
Point being, yea it isn't right, but you know and I know and the parents know that what that kid did was stupid. And I'll say it here too. What that kid did was stupid. They should have known better than to let their boy go to a public school with pink ponies on his bookbag. That's the parent's fault, really. They were stupid for letting him do that. The school is not the place to go to be doing this sort of thing. It is distracting and causes trouble. Basically I agree with those who say if you want to make yourself out to be that different, then you should be aware of the consequences. Not because that's the way things should be, but because that's just how things are.
People shouldn't judge others for what they wear, but they do. People shouldn't take advantage of those who are abscent minded and leave doors to houses and cars unlocked. But they do. People shouldn't take advantage of women who dress like prosttutes and are easy targets. But they do. So we need to be smart to keep bad things from happening to us. It's an ugly world. Prepare yourself for the worst, or be prepared to be a victim.
Those women going around protesting by wearing no shirt, but tape their briasts, then write "still not asking for it" on their stomachs? They may not be asking for it, but it's still incredibly stupid.