A truly shallow and narrow minded fool.
Calm down you girl. :laugh: I'm having a laugh.
I was only serious in that I would laugh if someone IRL told me they watch MLP, especially if he's an advlt male. I'm also absolutely sure everyone else would act the same. But of course, on BGSF we're all post modern and shizzle am I right?
That is because the sixist society we live in has conditioned us to categorize things as being "manly" or "girly" and men and boys are expected to stay well within the boundaries of "manliness" and if they don't, society deems them effeminate and therefore wrong. Just because you have been conditioned a certain way since you were born, however, doesn't make it the right way to think. Men watching "girly" tv and movies doesn't make them less manly--in my opinion, it actually shows a man to be more comfortable with himself as a man if he is not too afraid of being judged and labelled because he isn't working out and watching action flicks all day. :rolleyes:
My brother watched "girly" tv with me when we were kids, and he played Barbies, but he is a fully grown man now who is not in any way girly. It won't harm boys to watch things like that, and it won't make a man any less of a man. It's way past time for this society to grow up and realize that our backwards notions about masculinity and femininity are outdated and often times wrong.
(Btw, this is not an attack on you, Cryptoparrot, nor is it an attack on anyone--it is an attack on society's mistakes, that need to be addressed and fixed.)
MLP for life!

You're looking too much into this. It's nothing about social conditioning (to me at least). This has got to be the only place where anyone would say they like MLP with a straight face.
It's just funny. That's all.
I'll go lift some weights now. :rolleyes:

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZpurerF2HM
You've got to be [censored] kidding me? This is [censored]. :rofl: