Pinky Pie is completely out of left-field, the incongruity of her reactions to the situations tends to startle me to giggling.
Sometimes the show can be a little dopy (I have yet to see any redeeming qualities in Rarity, despite her supposed "generosity"), but overall I haven't been put off by the plots, dialog, or characters. Unlike all the drama, angst, and unreal situations in advlt shows, the plots for these episodes (barring the first two) are just about mundane situations that I can relate to, rather than end-of-the-world, high drama/tension/explosions. Even the end of the whole Nightmare Moon thing was an interesting twist (i.e. what finally ends up happening to Nighmare moon herself).
I quite like Pinky Pie sometimes, it's about 50-50 of her either annoying me, or making me laugh. For some reason it's Rainbow Dash I can't stand. Just how she's sort of a little bit arrogant, or something, and her voice annoys me :whistling:
Sometimes it just gets a little bit too cheesy for me and I find myself skipping parts of it. Ok I have only watched two episodes, the first two, so I'm making a bit too much of a generalisation here, but just...the whole Elements of Harmony thing, it just doesn't quite appeal to me, particularly the scene at the end of the second episode, I skipped that.
But that's just personal preference.