No, the lesson is that Princess Celestia is a complete an utter troll. She knows how many friends Twilight Sparkle has and purposefully only sends two tickets. I bet she was using some sort of magic to watch the entire thing happen laughing with her evil laugh.
Don't forget the episode with the royal pet bird. And she practically admits to manipulating events via Twilight & Co. at the end of episode 26, :rofl: Plenty of ha-ha moments in ep. 26, but not my favorite episode. Then again, I've never liked parties, and I loathe dressing fancy, so I can't really empathize with their excitement. I guess I could think of it as ComicCon or E3... hmm...
Oh, "Party of One" was a wheeze, I love the part when
Spoiler Pinkie goes completely insane and throws the party with the bucket of turnips, pile of rocks, and "sir lintsalot."
(and I miss our old spoiler tags)
So! Finished all of season 1, fantastic! The only other show that makes me giggle, snort, and chortle is "Hogan's Heroes". I love sophisticated humor. "Um, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy isn't a tree."