My last exam is tomorrow (never again shall I cross the Mersey, except in a plane) I plan on watching a marathon of MLP. I've only watched up to episode 3 so far, but I've watched some of the later ones out of sequence.
Which are the best, would you say, just so I know what to look forward to?
Congratz on your last exam, I also have my last exam tomorrow! Well, last exam this year. I'll have more next year. Ewww. But after tomorrow is SUMMER VACATION! Hell yeah. ^_^
Oh yeah, I was going to recommend episodes. The one with the Sonic Rainboom is the best, as is the one with the blue joke flower curse thing and Zecora, as is the one where Rarity makes the dresses for everyone, as is the Grand Galloping Gala-episode (season finale), as is the one where Pinkie Pie goes insane... I think that's called Party for One or something like that. And Owl's Well that Ends Well is also excellent. I have almost no idea about the names for any of these, since I have a horrid memory.

Also, I still have trouble liking Rarity; I don't find her as likable as the other characters.
:shakehead: Rarity is the best! You've got to wait for the episode where Rarity makes dresses for all the other ones, though. She grows on you, she really does! :wub: